Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Phantom Stranger and Moon Knight


The first teaser for Disney+ Moon Knight series impressed me enough that I decided not to seek out any further promotional material so that I can start watching it as spoiler free as possible.  Oscar Isaac looks great in the role and the costume(s) translated much better to live action than I was expecting.  Some reviews of the first few episodes have come in and so far they seem universally positive.  I look forward to the end of the month and diving into the show.


Detective Tobor said...

What a great cover. Phantom Stranger looks to be in his prime. Guiding MK seems like a natural choice for PS to be "back up" for Khonshu. But it does raise a question. Since each co. has a "godly" receiver, what would happen if you mixed Moon Knight with Deadman?

Carycomic said...

@Tobor: Maybe the two of them could take on the Phantom Stranger's old enemies, Tanarak and Tala. During the pre-Bicentennial 1970's, they were part of an arcane secret society called "The Dark Circle." Possibly, a 20th century precursor of the LSH villains, although, never officially established as that. At least, not before the original COIE!

@Our host: good job, Ross! It reminds me of the art work done by your near-namesake; Alex.

Anonymous said...

I recently surfed the Wold Newton Universe website run by Jess Nevins. Did you know there was a Sherlock Holmes analog named Harry Dickson who had several pulp story clashes with a secret society called "Les Chevaliers de Lune" ("Knights of the Moon")?

Bob Greenwade said...

I could certainly envision the Phantom Stranger guiding Moon Knight through some fateful event that Khonshu just doesn't give two refried beans about. This really is a well-done pairing, Ross, in both concept and execution.

Say, how about a meeting between the Phantom Stranger and that other mysterious guiding force, Madame Web? Sony does seem to have a Madame Web movie in the works with Dakota Johnson in the title role.

Anonymous said...

If Marvel Films successfully incorporates that character into their cinematic universe, I'd next like to see them do the same with Irenie "Destiny" Adler. Preferably, as the former's identical twin sister!

I mean, let's face it. Two blind precognitive mutants? One of them a widow whose maiden name has never (as yet) been canonically revealed? If I were writing for Marvel Comics, I'd exploit that similarity with just such a plot device!

Ken Roskos said...

It's a Joseph Campbell moment - the Hero meets the Wizard/Wiseman when he's down for the count.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@6:26: That's possible (and quite clever), but unlikely, at least in the cinematic universe. Marvel Studios does now own Destiny, but Madame Web is still under Sony's control. As cooperative as the two companies have been around Spider-Man, a connection that close between two lesser characters is unlikely.

Anonymous said...

"Unlikely" doesn't equal "impossible." Anymore than "can't" is synonymous with "mustn't" and "shouldn't."

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