Thursday, March 3, 2022

Doctor Strange enters The Twilight Zone


As much as I enjoyed  Spider-Man: No Way Home, I can only imagine how much more I would have liked it if most of the surprises in the movie were not spoiled by the internet beforehand.  With that in mind, I am making even a more concerted effort to stay as spoiler free as possible for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.  It won't be easy, but hopefully I can go into that film without knowing every plot point and cameo if I remain strict about what articles and message boards I click on for the next few weeks.


Detective Tobor said...

spoiler alert about DC Legends....

The end of season cliff hanger involves Booster Gold.

Love this cover. Ditko is worth the admission, but with the Zone, what a bonus.
Good luck on staying free of the spoilers Ross.

Anonymous said...

Pssst! Ross; don't tell anybody I told you. But, the butler does it (jk!).

Bob Greenwade said...

I have a feeling that I could tell you all of the confirmed and rumored cameos that I know of for this film,* and there would still be a load of shockers that neither of us saw coming.

Here are some cameo predictions that are purely speculative: Ryan Reynolds, Lou Ferrigno, Peter Hooten, Paul Bettany, Jonathan Majors, and Tom Hiddleston. And some that are likely just wishful thinking: Anya Taylor-Joy, Jamie Chung, Jacob Batalon, David Hasselhoff, and (through archival footage) Stan Lee.

*I know of two confirmed ones from the latest trailer, and one from the latest poster, plus a couple of performers who have been reportedly seen on set during filming. I won't name them.

Paul Green said...

Big fan of Serling and Twilight Zone!As long as you're sending characters there, eventually we could see Groo, House of Mystery, Scooby Doo, etc!I've never learned much about Doctor Strange, but seeing him in the Twilight Zone seems both natural and unexpected! You seem to have a great imagination!

Horace of the orange Horsefeathers said...

The Doc has buried secrets? He's related to Bruce Banner? Richard Boone? Dick Grayson?
Alberto did good work on Rod. Ross that thing with the lines and circles, was that part of the Doc's original cover or was that grafted on from elsewhere? Pure Ditko.
Doc's movie cameos? Gotta include the Flash!

Anonymous said...

@Horace Feathers: I'll say his dirty little secret is that he is the reincarnation of both Stan Lee and Julius ("Just call me Julie") Schwartz!

Carycomic said...


Submitted for your approval. A man who once wrote the rough draft for a science fiction classic, by Pierre Boulle, finally having heard one frivolous comment too many. Whereupon, he whips a Mission-Impossible-style mask off of his face to reveal an angry Groucho Marx shouting...

"That's the most ridiculous thing I ever hoid!"

Carycomic said...

Postscript: a sentence that should have read "...the rough draft of a screen play for a science fiction classic..." has had four words edited out and left on the cutting room floor of...The Twilight Zone!

Bob Greenwade said...

Suggestion: Once you've seen the movie, Ross, maybe you could talk about it when Doctor Strange meets Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew?

Anonymous said...

That should be relatively easy, Bob. Take any image of them containing Superman and merely substitute the Doc (whose ensemble has an identical color scheme).

Carycomic said...

@Anon: Sounds do-able to me! :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ross: how about Jason Mamoa as Aquaman vs. Harryhausen's Hexapod (from IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA)?

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