Monday, March 7, 2022

The Tick and Forbush Man


We need to see The Tick back in animation.  Both the old and newer live action incarnations of the series had their moments, but could not quite capture the manic fun of the comics or the cartoon.  With the explosion of superhero movies in the past decade plus, there's plenty of new material for a new Tick show to pit its signature spin on.


Anonymous said...

Finally...Not Brand ECHH! meets his match. his helmet a pan mor a giant...SPOOOON!?

If I might be so bold as to make a suggestion, Robocop and the Lone Ranger.
I know it sounds weird, but The Lone Ranger takes place in Texas, but was created in Detroit, and Robocop took place in Detroit and was shot in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

sorry... It should have been "Not Brand Echh meets IT's match."

My deepest apologies for that mistake.

Carycomic said...

My compliments, Ross. This actually resembles a photo-capture from Big Blue's animated series. Why, even those misguided missiles look like they came from a Tintin cartoon! :-)

Anonymous said...

What they all said. :-)

Bob Greenwade said...

The first live-action Tick was, aside from Patrick Warburton's spot-on performance, rather weak. The second was much closer to the brilliance of the animated series (I've never done more than peek at the comic), and I wish it had gone on longer. I agree with you, though: We really could use ol' Big Blue back on the screen. An animated movie would be a great treat, especially if it was a revival of the animated series with some of the old supporting cast (American Maid, Die Fliedermaus, Sewer Urchin, Big Shot) and villains (The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight).

And that's a world where Forbush Man would fit right in, so there's a great choice for a guest on this cover. Maybe next time, though, it can be Inspector Gadget.

@Anon@6:21: Your explanation makes your Lone Ranger/Robocop suggested sound even weirder. [Jerry Senfeld voice] "Not that there's anything wrong with that...."

Bob Buethe said...

Hmmm..Hmm... now I'm wondering if a team-up of Forbush Man and the original Red Tornado would be possible.

Ross said...

They're both members of the STF team The Union Suit Squad.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! The Union Suit Squad vs the Inferior Five? That might be even more delightfully whacky than Forbush man vs. the Golden Age Red Tornado (G.A.R.T.)!

Bob Greenwade said...

If the Union Suit Squad ever returns, they simply must include Captain Klutz. (I said so at their first appearance, too!)

alxjhnsn said...

May I suggest Marvel's Forbush Man and DC's Ma Hunkel? He was a clear admirer of her (or did thy just share a tailor?)

Anonymous said...

That's who the Golden Age Red Tornado was, Al. An ex-lady wrestler-turned-boardinghouse runner.

Anonymous said...

I bet Chris Rock wishes he could've had Ma Hunkle as a bodyguard on the 94th Oscars.

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