What's better than dogs? Dogs in space! I can't imagine what sort of mission would call for the aid of these three pooches, but it might be fun to watch it play out.
What's better than dogs? Dogs in space! I can't imagine what sort of mission would call for the aid of these three pooches, but it might be fun to watch it play out.
In Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, it was explained that dreams were a peek into variant versions of yourself. Since we are still in what Marvel is calling The Multiverse Saga, that certainly opens up the possibility of Nightmare finally making his MCU debut. Perhaps in a third installment of Doctor Strange, or maybe as the villain in a Midnight Sons type of movie featuring Blade, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Elsa Bloodstone and so on.
It's interesting how tastes in art change over the years, As a kid, I remember being very put off by the work of Frank Robbins when I first saw it on a Batman story. As I grew older and began to expand my horizons beyond the traditional DC and Marvel house styles, I started to understand the appeal of his dynamic style with exaggerated physicality and thick heavy lines. His comic strip work really won me over.
Do you prefer Man-Bat as a full on villain, conflicted bad guy, or as a straight up ally to Batman and others? I like him as basically good, but misunderstood and struggling to maintain the balance between his human and savage side. For that reason, I can see him being somewhat of a Kindred Spirit to someone like Logan.
I thought I would Pair Batman up with another Bob Kane creation, Courageous Cat & Minute Mouse. While Kane was famously assisted by the too long uncredited Bill Finger, this cartoon spoof of the Dynamic Duo was all his concept. Hmm - now that I think about it, Courageous Cat's costume looks a lot like the original costume Kane had planned for Batman, before Finger redesigned it to come up with the classic outfit!
It might be a while before we see Plastic Man in the big screen, but he might be a good candidate for an animated series or at least one of those DC Showcase shorts. I enjoyed his appearances on Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and even remembering liking his original cartoon from when I was a kid, as cheesy as it may have been.
We saw The Hulk head back to Sakaar after his appearance in She-Hulk on Disney+, which raises the question of just what his next storyline in the MCU will be. Will he have a son waiting for him there? Will he become a Planet Hulk type ruler? Mr. Fixit? Whatever his next move is, I hope it involves the return of his classic savage personality.
Ragman first crossed Paths with The Hulk in STF #1259...
This is the third meeting between these two teams, and this time around, I figured that I would opt for a Silver Age era match up. They've previously had a Bronze Age style clash in STF #738, and entered into a Modern Age uneasy alliance in STF #3744...
Once I started this cover, I began to wonder what took me so long. Not only do their names seem to go together, their costumes do as well - it seems like a natural combination.
I'm always happy to use artwork by Irv Novick, an underrated talent that illustrated many of my favorite Silver and Bronze age tales. I was lucky enough to pick up a couple of original page by him several years ago, one with inks by Dick Giordano, the other by Murphy Anderson:
...and one with inks by Murphy Anderson:
This is not a team-up that I would instantly think of, but when I decided on the hook, the story potential really appealed to me. It would be interesting to see Ororo enter this new stage in her evolution.
I was happy to use the artwork of the amazing Steve Bissette here. I was lucky enough to pick up a sketch by him many years ago:
With all the timeline jumping that each of these franchises has done, I figure it's only a matter of time before they bump into each other. I get a kick out of the idea of Doc Brown and Marty doing their best to avoid having Judgment Day becoming a reality.
The Disney+ Star Wars related shows my not be perfect, but I find them enjoyable to watch for the most part. One thing that I am grateful for is that we finally get some respect for Luke Skywalker. I hated what was done with the character in the final trilogy, and his appearances in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have presented him in a much better light.
When a new team of heroes are introduced, it's always hoped that oat least one new member would become a breakout star. New Teen Titans introduced us to Cyborg, Raven and Starfire as well as revamping the near-forgotten Beast Boy into Changeling. All of these new heroes were a hit with fans, not a dud among them. It really says something about the creativity and talent of Marv Wolfman and George Perez that they were able to create so many lasting characters at one time.
Spidey previously met The New Teen Titans in STF #767 and the original Teen Titans in STF #619...
I'm guessing it will be a while before Quasar shows up in the MCU. He's a c-lister but I always liked him. I guess if the Guardians of the Galaxy return for a fourth film with a revamped roster, he could fit in there.
The line up for the Thunderbolts movie has been announced, and with a line up that includes Yelena Belova, Red Guardian, Taskmaster, The Contessa, Winter Soldier, USAgent and Ghost, it feels like it will pretty much be a sequel to Black Widow, with a few other characters thrown in. I would have preferred Marvel started with the Citizen-V led team of masquerading villains from the comics, but it will be interesting to see what is done with this group.
I am always happy to use artwork by the incredible Mike Mckone. I was fortunate enough to pick up an original page by him several years back:
Fort this Steve Ditko-illustrated compo, I thought I would go for a truly oddball pairing. These two could not be more different in terms of appearance, attitude and abilities - but that's just what would make it an interesting team up to me.
These two heroes previously met in STF #3526...
What a thrill to see my blog get a "Team-Up Time-Out" in the latest book from the always awesome TwoMorrows Publishing - the Team Up Companion! Here's their description:
NOW IN FULL COLOR! The Team-Up Companion examines team-up comic books of the Silver and Bronze Ages of Comics—DC’s The Brave and the Bold and DC Comics Presents, Marvel’s Marvel Team-Up and Marvel Two-in-One, plus other team-up titles, treasuries, and treats—in a lushly illustrated selection of informative essays, special features, and trivia-loaded issue-by-issue indexes. Go behind the scenes of your favorite team-up comic books with specially curated and all-new creator recollections from Neal Adams, Jim Aparo, Mike W. Barr, Eliot R. Brown, Nick Cardy, Chris Claremont, Gerry Conway, Steve Englehart, Steve Gerber, Steven Grant, Bob Haney, Tony Isabella, Paul Kupperberg, Paul Levitz, Ralph Macchio, Dennis O’Neil, Martin Pasko, Joe Rubinstein, Roy Thomas, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, and many other all-star writers and artists who produced the team-up tales that so captivated readers during the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. By Back Issue and RetroFan editor Michael Eury!
I highly recommend this for fans of comic book team ups - and if you visit this blog regularly, that's you! You can order the book from TwoMorrows right here!
A huge thank you to Editor Michael Eury for such an honor!
Superhero parodies have been around almost as long as superheroes themselves, and this first one I ever remember reading was Superduperman in a Mad Magazine reprint. I remember finding it hilarious and being impressed by the art - which was no wonder since it was illustrated by Wally Wood, a master of traditional comics. I was glad when I discovered the existence of Not Brand Echh! a few years later, a series that parodied Marvel heroes in a similar manner.
Doctor Fate has one of the most classic helmets in comics, and to me it's perfect. Of course, Hollywood decided they had to put their stamp upon it. I don't know who approved the asymmetrical, eyehole-free, dented up design of Fate's helmet for the Black Adam movie, but I think it's a visual misfire in an attempt to make it look cooler. Combine that with The Rock making zero effort to duplicate the iconic hairstyle and pointed ears of the titular character and I see a movie that doesn't seem to care much for fidelity to the source material. I hope to be pleasantly surprised, but the trailers have made me less interested in the movie rather than more.
Alas, no Wolverine or X-Men announcements at D23 this week. I've heard repeated rumors that Marvel is looking at Taron Edgerton for the role. I wasn't sure about that until I saw some recent pictures of him, where has clearly put on weight and is currently very physically fit. I don't know if that's for another role or if he's prepping to play Logan, but he's definitely starting to look the part.
Wolverine and Black Lightning previously battle Sentinels in STF #3412...
Marvel's D23 promotion featured little new information on the upcoming Fantastic Four movie, just confirming Matt Shakman as director. There have been some rumors still swirling about. Jodie Comer has reportedly been cast as Sue Storm, we'll see if that pans out. Will John Krasinski be giving us another (hopefully far more competent) version of Reed Richards, or has another actor been tapped for the role? What about Ben and Johnny? Looks like we'll be waiting a little longer for the answers.
The New Gods movie was scrapped and we only saw a glimpse of the denizens of Apokolips in Justice League: The Snyder Cut. Still, there may be a third chance for some live action Fourth World characters to show up. Word is that Darkseid will be the main villain of the upcoming season of Superman and Lois. Hopefully, that also means we'll see Metron and some other Kirby creations making their TV debuts.
Every once in a while, Bill Watterson would present a less cartoony style when depicting Calvin's imaginary adventures as Tracer Bullet, or even playing house with Suzie Derkins. I was always impressed by those sequences - if Watterson had wanted to go with a sci-fi, detective, or superhero strip, he would have also found success based on his gorgeous illustrations.
For this Anniversary Issue, I thought I would go for a full length free for all featuring two of my favorite teams. I'm surely not alone in my love for the JLA. The Champions, in this their first incarnation, never quite hit it big, but I always got a kick out of the oddball line up that they had. A super-spy, a Demigod, a possessed stuntman and a trio of mutants filled out their ranks, and I enjoyed seeing these disparate heroes find a way to work together.
I'm a little surprised that I haven't done this pairing before. I can see Tony Stark and Dick Grayson attending the same high society event when villains crash and they have to suit up, it feels like a natural story. Plus, they look pretty cool together.
Coming tomorrow: STF #3800!
I'm very curious as to what the next Deadpool movie will look like. It has been confirmed that the franchise will retain its R rating, but I have to imagine that being under the Disney umbrella will alter the tone at least a little. I just look forward to whatever MCU heroes he comes in contact with. I'd love for him to see She Hulk break the fourth wall and what his reaction to that would be.
Green Lantern and ROM's last meeting was a more contentious one, in STF #3457, and they first met in a backup feature in STF #1100...
The live-action Powerpuff Girls series went back for retooling after a failed pilot and the departure of one of the main stars - and now the project appears to be completely dead. Perhaps that's for the best, it seemed to be an odd project from the conception and the script and photo leaks did not encourage me to want to see more.
With all of the recent project cancellations from the Warner Bros/Discovery merger, many have been worried about the upcoming Blue Beetle movie. Fortunately, it seems to be safe so far, which is good news. The set photos were so impressive that I can only imagine how the finished project will look.
The Reyes Cousins first appeared together back in STF #2826...
I've lamented the lack of a live-action Invaders in the MCU before, and now come to think of it - I'm not sure there's ever been an appearance of the team in animation either. DC has managed to feature the JSA here and there, it's too bad that Marvel has never shown these WWII heroes in cartoon form. Or have they somewhere and I missed it?
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