Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Punisher and John Wick


Yeah, I don't know how smoothly this team up would go.  Both of these guys are no-nonsense operatives that prefer to work alone.  I certainly don't envy anyone that gets in their way.


Detective Tobor said...

Never saw a Wick movie. Maybe team him with Logan next?

Crazy Ivan said...

I don't think Frank would work with the legendary Baba Yaga, and the moment John sensed that the Punisher wasn't his ally, he'd off him.

Carycomic said...

Neither do I, Ross. The only thing more assured than their mutual destruction would be the possible number of innocent people literally killed in their crossfire!

Vampires, on the other hand, would be a different story. Can you imagine Erica (Sophia Myles) from the UNDERWORLD movies bringing JW back to life and siccing him on Selene? Or even Blade?!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather see the Punisher and Killjoy take on the Joker.

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