Saturday, April 15, 2023

Green Lantern and Photon


The teaser trailer for The Marvels leaned a bit on the goofy side, but I am interested to see more.  Iman Vellani was enjoyable in Ms. Marvel, so it will be interesting to see her grow as a hero here.  Mostly I want to see the further development of Monica Rambeau into Photon.  I've followed the character since her very first appearance and I look forward to seeing her in full control of her powers. 


Carycomic said...

I wonder if that payload could be the first group of Earthlings to colonize Mars? With Jonn Jonzz going along for the ride as technical advisor, of course!

Detective Tobor said...

Sometimes, it's hard being a fan. Watching what "professionals" decide to do with characters or situations, how far they change a character. Then there are times when it's great to have someone ,while not a true "professional", shows every bit of the amount of knowledge and skill that professionals brag about.
Keep up the great works, you have a world watching, Ross.

Bob Greenwade said...

I think Marvel's found its perfect "default tone" for the MCU: generally serious, with generous heapings of character-driven humor. There are lighter areas (She-Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy) and darker ones (Infinity War, Multiverse of Madness), but there's seriousness even in the former and humor in the latter. The trailer for The Marvels showed much of the humor, but also much of the humanity, especially Kamala's.

The general word I've heard is that the relationship between Kamala and Carol will be somewhat like that between Spider-Man and Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming*: from fan-and-idol to a place of mutual respect.

What I'm most looking forward to is a development of the relationship between Carol and Monica. Both Monica (in WandaVision) and Talos (in Spider-Man: Far From Home) seemed to be angry or hostile toward Carol for some reason, and I'm extremely curious about what it is. I hope it isn't as petty as "you left and didn't come back for 30 years."

*I only just now realized that Tom Holland's Spider-Man has yet to appear in a movie without a colon in the title. Does this mean he'll be a part of Captain America: New World Order? He has yet to even be announced in a Disney project to complete the contract that brought is Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: you're more likely to see a filler movie, first. Something like "Deadpool vs. Kang: Stalling For Time."

Akterja said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks! :-)

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