Saturday, April 30, 2022

Tigra and Cat-Man (Part 6 of 7)


In the penultimate chapter of our week-long tale, we see that the master that Tigra was referring to is none other that the villainous Ringmaster!  No wonder these sworn enemies are working together again.  Let's hope they can get out from under his thrall in time for tomorrow's final chapter!


Fishing in the Timestream said...

"Are you a God?"
Why Yes.
Damn straight.

Carycomic said...

In the immortal words of a certain beer commercial?



Anonymous said...

Tomorrow's cover will have to go a long way to _top_ this. My _hat_ is off to old son of a pun!

Anonymous said...

Let us take a moment to remember one of the greats today. R.I.P Neal Adams.

emsley wyatt said...

Can't wait for the trade paperback to come out.

Ken Roskos said...

Ladies and Gentlemen! Presenting the fiercest cat people in captivity! Incredible Ross, the Ringmaster fits in beautifully with the themes you've designed here. This has been a fantastic ride, so I'll definitely stay tuned for tomorrow's finale. And, perhaps... in regards to Anon's comment, some tribute featuring Neal Adam's art might be in the works?

Bob Greenwade said...

I find it interesting to note (though it's almost certainly irrelevant to the story) that Cat-Man's costume is shown here for the first time in its more modern design, while Tigra's look* has jumped around the timeline somewhat.

Regardless, I'm hoping that tomorrow's finale shows some manipulative mastermind behind events, starting with whatever criminal situation was initially going on in Gotham and including Cat-Man's apparent betrayal. (I think it'd be most magnificent if it turned out to be Pinky & the Brain, though I understand how that's incredibly unlikely. Maybe someday....)

*I'd still love for Cheetah to confront Tigra: "Why do you even bother with the bikini?"

Bob Greenwade said...

PS: I know that they met, from the comment on yesterday's entry. At the time, though, Cheetah was pre-transformation; this would require a re-meet after that event.

Ken Roskos said...

I remember Mar-Vell taking on a male Cheetah, along with a Kree Sentry years ago, but I haven't seen him since. Pinky and the Brain? Maybe. I was holding out for the Cheshire Cat for a short time, but there seems to be a lot more at stake here. Now I'm wondering if it could be the Collector, or maybe even the High Evolutionary who is behind all this.

Anonymous said...

I'm still holding out for Mr. Greenwade's other suggestion...Esteban Carracus vs. Barbara Ann Minerva in "Cheetahs Never Prosper."

Carycomic said...

@Anon743: thanks for relaying the message.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@3:08: I don't think I'm the one who first suggested that pairing, though I might have come up with the title.

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