Sunday, January 30, 2022

Starman and Moondragon / Plastic Man Vs. Juggernaut


I heard rumors that Moondragon would be joining the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 a while back, but nothing in the way of a casting announcement for the role has been made.  I hope the character is still part of the mix.  Not only is she interesting in her own right, but as the daughter of Drax the Destroyer, her presence would certainly add to the story potential.


AirDave said...

I have the complete run of Prince Gavyn and Plastic Man in Adventure Comics! What an enjoyable read! I remember picking it up when it first hit the spinner rack!

Good times, good times...

Can Moondragon actually make an appearance? Didn't Dave Bautista's Drax say both his wife and daughter were killed by Thanos? Did Stark's snap undo that?

Carycomic said...

AirDave's right. Moondragon, as the daughter of Drax, is potentially interesting as an addition to the MCU. But, only if one of the after-effects of The Blink is a reversion of Drax to being an Earth-born soul reincarnated in a green-skinned alien body!*

*Think Deadman permanently amalgamated with the Martian Manhunter.

Anonymous said...

@Ross: Interesting! You usually don't honor us with double-decker covers unless it's a multiple of tenth, or even twenty-fifth, issue. And, oddly, I think I'd find the backup story more fascinating to read! I mean, why is the Juggernaut after Woozy Winks? Some kind of double-cross when both of them were stationed in South Korea with the U.S. Army?

@Cary: let's not forget that Moondragon is supposed to be Earth-born, as well. The biological daughter of the Destroyer via his soul's original host body!

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous: uhm! Didn't I just say that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! You did. My bad.

Anonymous said...

The Unstoppable vs The Unkillable! Good combo, Ross!

Kirbyhead said...

And we know that the MCU always follows the comics 100%. They couldn't alter Moondragon's origin for the movie. No. They couldn't do that.

Bob Greenwade said...

Moondragon could still become a part of things; two possible explanations would be that Drax's daughter isn't dead after all, or she's not Drax's daughter in the MCU. (There's neither need nor reason for The Blip to be a part of it.)

But I do hope she takes some of the fabric from that cape and (especially) collar and uses it on the bodice. This is one of the sillier male-fantasy costumes in comics.

Juggernaut is another Marvel character that needs a decent MCU treatment. I don't think he really got a fair shake anywhere in the Fox X-Men franchise, whether in X-Men: The Last Stand or Deadpool 2 -- not like on the animated X-Men show.

As for this cover, Ross, using Plas' neck as part of the dividing line is a nice touch, and very Plas-like.

On the topic of the X-Men franchise, I just participated in a panel discussion on X2, and in my research for it found out that Shawn Ashmore, who played Bobby "Iceman" Drake in that original trilogy, is the identical twin brother of Aaron Ashmore, who played Jimmy Olson on Smallville. I think Jimmy and Bobby would make for an interesting pairing regardless (whether Jimmy's Elastic Lad or just himself), but that just makes the prospect extra fun, not to mention fodder for some kind of weird twist.

Also, I've been watching the animé One Piece, and it occurs to me that Buggy the Clown Pirate would be a fitting addition to Joker's Wild. (The lead character, Monkey D. Luffy, has already been suggested as an addition to the Expansion Team; and other characters would be just as interesting in team-ups, such as Usopp being part of a team of marksmen or just joining Hawkeye or Green Arrow.)

Ross said...

The Plas neck division is all Aparo, I can't take credit for that, Bob.

Bob Greenwade said...

Well, it still works great here, so you still get credit for choosing it.

Wild Card said...

Okay, what did Woozy do this time that got Juggernaut so mad at him??

Anonymous said...

@Bob & Cary: split the difference. Pray that the MCU Moondragon is given Mantis' comic book origin. I.e., that she's the half-Kree (Caucasianoid variety) daughter of Drax. But, raised in Southeast Asia by the pseudo-Buddhist Priests of Pama!

Carycomic said...

That would work for me. :-)

Carycomic said...

P.S. @ Ross---how about, someday, Moondragon and Hawkman vs. Deathbird?

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@9:56: It'd work for me too, especially if it's clearly established that her mother had absolutely no sense of rhythm.

Anonymous said...

Given that teeny-weeny green bikini, I'd say "no sense of fashion" would be more accurate.

Bob Greenwade said...

That too.

Carycomic said...

Since when do the Kree not have a sense of rhythm?

Bob Greenwade said...

I don't mean in general. I mean Moondragon's mother, specifically, as an individual.

Carycomic said...

Still not getting it. :-(

Bob Greenwade said...

It's based on a scene from early in GotG2, where Drax talks about how he was first attracted to his wife for her being a non-dancer ("She didn't even tap her foot").

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Talk about forgettable lines of dialogue.

Carycomic said...

@Bob-while-justifiably-ignoring-Anon: I suddenly had a vision of a Bizarro version of Ethel Merman singing: "Me got no rhythm. Me got no music. Me got no man! Who could ask for nothing more?"

Anonymous said...

Heh! Now, there's a good idea for a team-up! Silver Age Bizarro vs. Radioactive Man of Springfield (the Simpsons' home town).

Carycomic said...

Only if Julie Kavner does the voice of Bizarro!

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