Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tin, Tintin and Rin Tin Tin


Here's another idea from the mind of Blog Patron Bob Greenwade. I get lots of suggestions for character pairings where the only connection is a similar sounding name, and they don't always seem to make a lot of sense to me.  Sometimes the incongruity is what makes a cover fun though, so I thought I would finally give this one a try. I hope Bob approves of my choice of villain for this tale!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's actually a pretty good team-up!

det_Tobor said...

Tin looks strange like that ....confident??

bigjeffoh said...

Quite the congregation of tintinnabulation!!! Even the name of the villain rings a bell. Great job.

Ross said...

Are you sure that bell ringing isn't tinnitus?

Anonymous said...

This team-up has been long awaited. The only missing person works for International Rescue!

Thanks, Ross

Carycomic said...

@Tobor: it's more of a...tin grin.

@Ross: I give your pun a perfect ten!

@Bob Greenwade: And kudos, to you, for originatin' this idea in the first place. :-)

Carycomic said...

P.S.---I'll bet the not-so-good doctor made the mistake of dognapping Snowy.

emsley wyatt said...


Bob Greenwade said...

While I would've most appreciated seeing this team-up in issue #1010, better late than never. And yes, I do appreciate the choice of villain! Ross, I really have to give this effort* a 10!

I'd have a blast writing this story, too, starting with my note below to Anon & Cary. You'd certainly expect, at the very least, a moment of bowling, and a poster for a certain Bo Derek movie, as well as every other pun that I (or you guys) could come up with.

@Tobor: To me, he looks like he's his usual nervous self but trying to look confident.

@Ross: #GoodPunHaveACookie

@Anon@7:30 & Cary: I imagine Dr. Tzin-Tzin kidnapped Snowy while that "certain" International Rescue person as dog-sitting him. She might even have been taken at the same time!

*I initially had put a drum roll there, but Cary kinda spoiled my punchline (unwittingly, of course).

Carl Cafarelli said...

I'd like to repeat an earlier request: the original Captain Marvel and the Lone Ranger. I actually tried to write such a thing when I was a teenager.

Anonymous said...

Is it the "Silver" anniversary of that request?

Anonymous said...

?So, an old-fashioned photo of this mash-up would be a tintype?

Anonymous said...

Yep! And a photograph showing the Metal Men with the android Capt. Marvel (from the 1960's) would no doubt be "Split!" screen. ;-)

Carycomic said...

@Anon1153: #Notbadpun=3/4cookie.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@11:53: I think that would work best with Wonder Man (and Capt. Marvel).

Anonymous said...

@Bob: but, which Wonder Man? Fred Carson, Brad Spencer, or Simon Williams?

Scott Nesmith said...

Too bad Dr. Tzin-Tzin didn't team up with Jonny Quest's Dr. Zin.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he will in a future issue!

Carycomic said...

I will count the moments till "zen."

Alaric said...

Meant to comment on this yesterday- absolutely brilliant.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@5:26: Why, Simon, of course -- the one with a career on the screen.

Thought it might also be fun to have a cover of Simon teamed up with Dane of Elysium.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Scott: Perhaps Dr. Zin is in this story, but just not featured on the cover.

Anonymous said...

Who's Dane of Elysium?

Bob Buethe said...

@Anon@8:04 : I "wondered" the same thing, so I Googled the name. He's the male counterpart of Wonder Woman from Earth-11, also known as Wonder Man.

Hyram H. H. said...

Glad I was wearing these tin-ted glasses to deal with all those glowing responses from your fans Ross.
Think I heard about the story Carl C. John's nephew Dan teamed with the Marvel family on radio for the Christmas story of The Great Captain Ranger!

Bob Greenwade said...

@Other Bob: Yep, that's the one. Not many images of him, but it'd still be a fun team-up.

Aside: It just occurred to me last night that this story should also feature a cameo by Nick Chopper, aka the Tin Woodman of Oz.

Carycomic said...

@Both Bobs: just so long as it wasn't the Wonder Warrior from pre-Crisis Earth-349.

"Where are the Fashion Police when you need them?"

Corathon said...

LOL. Literally.

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