Monday, July 12, 2021

Deadman and The Watcher


Marvel has released the trailer to its next Disney+ Show - What If?  While the animation style will take a little getting used to, the stories it promises to tell sound like a lot of fun.  There are Tony Stark meeting Erik Killmonger, T'Challa becoming Starlord, Agent Carter taking on Captain America's shield, Marvel Zombies and more - we even saw Howard the Duck in there.  Jeffrey Wright has a great voice for The Watcher, hopefully he'll get to play the character in live action eventually as well.


det_Tobor said...

Great concept. And an alien race that doesn't have a shield against possession. I would be on the watch for such a book from the full page ad it would get.

Carycomic said...

I would think the Watcher's very cosmic power would make him immune to Deadman occupying him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ramam Kushna amped up Boston's inherent power level.

Bob Greenwade said...

Charlie Schneider of Emergency Awesome did a shot-by-shot breakdown, and there's a bit where the classic shot of the Avengers "assembled" in the first film -- standing in a circle, looking up at the Chitauri invasion -- is replaced with one of characters from some of the other stories, including T'Challa/Starlord, Killmonger/Black Panther, Gamora with Thanos' sword, et al. As crazy as WandaVision and Loki have been, this show promises to really go wild.

@Cary & Anon: I'd split the difference and figure that Boston can do it, but it takes a lot of effort -- just enough to warn the Fantastic Four and the JLA (a team-up that, by the way, would make a great sequel to this cover, Ross!). And it's likely that the Phantom Stranger would take part in things as well.

emsley wyatt said...

What if.......Deadman tried to inhabit The Spectre?

Anonymous said...

@Emsley and Mr. Rogers:

"Can you say, 'Kiss his ectoplasm good-bye?' "

Bob Greenwade said...

I just saw in my Bing newsfeed that pro wrestler Paul Orndorff, better known as Mr. Wonderful, passed away. I've never been a pro wrestling fan, but somehow I think it would be fitting to have The Magnificent Misters hold a memorial for him.

ajdbatfan said...

I absolutely love these covers. One of my daily treats is seeing the new ones. If I somehow become a billionaire I'm getting all these made 🙂

Simreeve said...

emsley wyatt said...
"What if.......Deadman tried to inhabit The Spectre?"

Didn't he actually try that in one of DC's comics, at some point?
'Day of Vengeance', perhaps, or 'Injustice'?


Bob Greenwade...
mentioned STFU team 'The Magnificent Misters'.
I have another suggestion for a team-up featuring that group, although I realise that Ross is unlikely to produced this because (a) the other character involved was live-action rather than drawn; and (b) the nature of some of that action was not 'family-friendly':

"Magnificent Misters meet Ms. Magnificent"

Who was she, you ask?
She was a superheroine, secret identity Linda Kent, whose own producers in 1979 originally labelled her 'Superwoman' until DC successfully won an injunction against their name and her costume's inclusion of the 'S' symbol (although not also, as they had wanted, against her film's inclusion of flight scenes, because the judge ruled that those were too generic a concept).

"She does two things well. The other one is fly", as the advertising blurb said.


Ross said...

Glad to heard it, adjbatfan!

order99 said...

Deadman possessing Uattu? Completlely unthinkable...unless The Watcher LETS HIM IN.

Uattu is not an ordinary Watcher-he wants to(and has) Interfered. In fact, he's probably on a "Last Chance" probation for at least another few thousand years or so...

But now the Earth he so loves is in terrible danger-AGAIN(sigh)-and if he so much as twitches an eyebrow towards one of several solution he is toast.


_"AAAAAhhh, Volume! Hey waitaminute, you're still awake?"

"Indeed I am! The device you seek is two miles West of our location and uses the following mathematical sequences to powerful you must be, pulling the key out of my slumbering mind like SO..."

"Aw man-i'm being set up! 'Forbidden to interfere', huh?"

"I did not lie to you Boston Brand-my fellow Watchers will have issues with your actions-but they can take that up with Rama Kushna if they are so inclined. There is the barest possibility that they will persuade her to...choose another agent, and if they do so I will mourn y-"

"Are you kidding? I've been wanting into the Afterlife for years! LET'S GET THIS SHINDING STARTED!"

Anonymous said...

I love the way your mind works, Order99!


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