Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Firestorm and The Beast


Two of my favorite heroes duking it out with demons for 22 pages would be enough incentive for me to pick up this issue.  Ronnie Raymond works well with intellectual types like Hank McCoy, so I see this as a winning combination.


Shamus said...

Justice League of America #200 briefly had a Martian Manhunter and Firestorm fight. I was super disappointed that fight wasn't like half the issue. Because those two are some of the JLA's coolest characters. That's just a small aside in relation to Firestorm.

Shamus said...

But speaking of Martian Manhunter, I'd still love to see him be teamed up with the Silver Surfer. Those two would be amazing together.

Shamus said...

Or how about the son of vulcan (an old Charlton character) and Namor? Two romanesque superheroes working together.

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