Monday, March 24, 2025

The Phoenix in The DC Universe

 It looks like The Phoenix is on much better terms with the Justice League, as they have a bit of history on the blog.  She descended upon the JLA Satellite in STF #1791, and was resurrected by them in STF #409.  She also attacked the JLA in STF #1626 and they certainly weren't saying "Bwa-ha-ha" in STF #229.  She even gave them a hard time as innocent young Jean Grey back in STF #699...


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You even managed to bring back the Japanese Dr. Light from STF #229!!

Alaric said...

Imagine if Dark Phoenix had taken the anti-Monitor's role in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if May Parker had taken that role!


me said...

The costumes and characters help define when this occurred - Black Canary in body suit, GL with crab faced mask, etc. Not recognize where this came from but I stopped buying them regularly after yet another revamp killing off characters.

Detective Tobor said...

Hmmmm...looking thru the archives, would Superman, Green Lantern, Zatanna, and Wonder Woman be able to fight back against Phoenix energy?
Phoenix in the DC universe is great as long as she doesn't get bothered by Joker or Darkseid. How would she interact with the Spectre? So much potential.

Ben W said...

Man, I love DC of the nineties! I see leather jacket Superboy, beard and hook Aquaman, Impulse, Kyle Rayner, Ray Terrill… all so awesome! More of these guys would be great!

Anonymous said...

What if George of the Jungle became Spider-Man?

Anonymous said...

You should have Ben Grimm, Thing from Addams Family, and the horror movie The Thing together.

Carycomic said...

He'd save a fortune on vines.

Carycomic said...

That's a brilliant line-up (I have to hand it to you).

Bob Greenwade said...

Don't forget to include the Cat in the Hat's two companions.

Detective Tobor said...

the things that unite us!!

Carycomic said...

"These are a few of my favorite Things!"

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