Friday, March 21, 2025

The Spectre and The Hulk


When you have simultaneously ticked off both The Spectre and The Hulk, you know that you have really messed up.  I'd like to see just who has gotten themselves in that predicament and how the vengeance of these heroes plays out.


Carycomic said...

Okay; I'll make the first wild guess. I'll say it's the Red Skull (from STF #'s 4458 and 4721) using the Cosmic Cube. But, under the b.t.s influence of Psyklop (from STF #4493)!

Carycomic said...

I mean, look at the high-tech arsenal Psyklop has deployed in the past! Shrink rays; teleportation devices; and storage receptacles for stolen life essences (aka souls).

Carycomic said...

Plus, he has optically-channeled mind control power.

me said...

If we knew where image of the Hulk came from it would help identify who has currently wrong the help.

My guess is the Illuminati but of course Brian Michael Bendis would be great target too.

Davejonz said...

Who might have ticked the twosome off? Maybe Ambush Bug? Or...The Tick?

Detective Tobor said...

Considering his origin at the bomb's explosion, Bruce has been WRONGED by several beings in many BIG ways!! If only Spectre could 'turn back time'!!
If Brucehad a lobotomy, would that kill the rage then 'kill' the Hulk?

Bob Greenwade said...

Actually, my money would be on "Thunderbolt" Ross... but maybe it was Ambush Bug, as Dave suggests!

Maybe some future issue can have Spectre declaring that a target due for some divine retribution (the Kingpin, perhaps?) is still needed alive for future events, and so is sentenced to 24 hours in the company of Freakazoid.

Anonymous said...

I say it was the library...with a Fat Fury Tootsie Pop.

Jared Mello said...

@Ross: Awesome cover again; but, like many others here; I wonder exactly who these two are going after

@Bob: I would LOVE that! Fisk would be tearing his hair out if he had any!

Anonymous said...

Thus far, there are only two Wilson Fisks who have been audio-visually depicted with hair. John Rhys-Davies and that guy who used to star in L&O:MAJOR CRIMES.

Carycomic said...

@Anon1029: if you're referring to "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," the former star of it (who now plays Kingpin on the reboot of "Daredevil The Series") was Vincent D'Onofrio.

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