These two first clashed in STF #2959, and I thought that is would be fun to revisit this rivalry. I'm not sure what I think about Jared Leto as Skeletor in the upcoming Masters of the Universe movie. He is a talented actor, but I did not care for his take on The Joker. Hopefully his interpretation of this villain is more well received.
Maybe Skeletor could go back to Mightor’s time to get rid of whoever made Mightor’s club because the man’s descendants don’t make He-Man’s sword.
Looks like GR still has the power (to make Skeletor feel like he's been hit with sticks and stones)!
As for Latter playing the leto (oops! strike that/reverse it), it should be easier than playing the Joker. What with him already having a built-in death's head grin.
Ghost Rider and DC's Mr. Bones would be a good pairing. Maybe Department of Extranormal Operations has a job for him.
Regarding Jared Leto I have heard comments differed on hs Suicide Squad and Zack Snyder's Justice League. He frankly did not fit in Suicide Squad so hard to give a good performance.
Jared's weak performance as the Joker wasn't his own fault; he was given lousy material. I mean, he had a decent amount of screen time in Suicide Squad for a tertiary character, but he only had two jokes! (I did actually chuckle when I saw his bulletproof vest emblazoned with "JOKER.")
But Jared did much better with the far superior material he was given in the sadly underrated Morbius.
Agreed; in that one, he was definitely _scary_! Far more so than the cinematic debut of the title character in KRAVEN.
Ghost Rider versus (maybe the DCEU version of) Atomic Skull?
Jason, I did that one in 2019:
Gahhhh! ONE of these days I'll think of a good match-up *before* you do! (sigh!) :-)
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