Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Hela and The Black Racer
Hela has been one of the best realized villains in the MCU, and I have heard that she may make a return in one of the upcoming Avengers films. Just rumors and speculation at this point, but if Marvel truly wants to bring some characters back to life, the involvement of the Goddess of the Dead could assist in that endeavor.
Black Racer,
DC Comics,
Gene Day,
George Perez,
Keith Pollard,
Marvel Comics,
Super-Team Family,
Team Up
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Endeavor?! I'd call that more of a grave undertaking.
Seriously, though; what if this really isn't the Black Racer? What if it's actually the Scarlet Skier just briefly distracting her while his boss, Mr. Nebula, redecorates Hela's palace for some kind of surprise party?
There is a clue right there this is not Hera or Black Racer - no tags for each so this Ross Imaginary Universe!
Do No Prizes exist in Ross Universe?
Not once he's ret-conned the search parameters, apparently.
I know Hela is a staple of Thor's Asgardian Universe, but when did George Perez ever draw the the Black Racer? I've only seen the Racer in DC's Mister Miracle or other Kirby 4th World books.
On the Cover to Who's Who in the DC Universe.
where do you take Death to rest forever? And how do you 'judge' Death? Soon young trainee, soon!
Need to see a "Death Squad" team up with The Black Racer, Hela. Death of the Endless and Mistress Death (Marvel)
I've seen some speculation that Hela will not be the one we met in Thor: Ragnarok, but rather the one in "What If...?" Season 2, Episode 7 -- Hela the White. That would, in fact, make for an interesting twist, and for me a welcome sight.
Maybe he'll take her to meet Pulido's Lady Death.
You forgot Pulido's Lady Death.
Poetry not intended? ;-)
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