Monday, March 10, 2025

Legion of Super-Heroes and ROM in: "The Durlan Wraith!"


Uh-oh, looks like the Dire Wraiths have infiltrated the Legion!  And if that isn't the real Chameleon Boy, then where is he?  Sounds like the makings for and exciting sci-fi mystery!

ROM first met the LSH in STF #1310...


Carycomic said...

I've always felt that the term "Dire Wraith" was more like the Skrull equivalent of our word "vampire". Seeing as how the original Marvel run of ROM: SPACE KNIGHT depicted them as absorbing both the physical forms and memories of their victims! If so, Reep Daggle of the Ross-verse LSH might already be gone for good.

Carycomic said...

P.S.---how about either Lobo vs. Galactus or Lobo as the newest herald of Galactus?

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