Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Eternity 8


This team is a place to give second chances to some heroes that I thought were taken before their prime.  These being comic characters, a couple of them have actually made a return to the land of the living.  I still wince at the memory of reading Katma Tui's death at the hands of Star Sapphire - that one hurt!


Davejonz said...

Thanks for bringing back Katma Tui.

Anonymous said...

Whos silver agent?

Alaric said...

VERY clever use of Kid Eternity.

emsley wyatt said...

Great concept.

Kevin L. said...

He’s from Astro City.

Carycomic said...

He's sort of a cross between the Golden Age Guardian (of Newsboy Legion fame) and Marvel's US Agent.

Carycomic said...

I echo Emsley Wyatt's assessment! Just one question, though: is that supposed to be the Golden Age Robin from JLA (v.1) #'s 91-92?

Ross said...


Jason Toddman said...

I'm surprised Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) isn't here. Poor guy has been dead for a long time. Or was he excluded because he died of "natural causes"?

Ross said...

Jason, That particular death was done so well that I didn't feel like I should mess with it.

me said...

It has been a long time since I read it and remember being disappointed that the character who had been around for long time was killed off in Action Comics which is where series went to die.

I was expecting her to be revived in one of the yearly events but never was.

me said...

He is one of major characters in Astro City and the became legend in future like many Justice League members. His full story is worth reading although a bit sad.

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