I've seen Wanda Maximoff put plenty of characters at unease due to the use of her hex powers. It might be interesting to see the tables turned on her in that regard. I'd love to see how she reacts to being stuck with Superman's impish adversary.
I've seen Wanda Maximoff put plenty of characters at unease due to the use of her hex powers. It might be interesting to see the tables turned on her in that regard. I'd love to see how she reacts to being stuck with Superman's impish adversary.
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It is also possible that Wanda combination of magic and mutant hex could disrupt Mr. Mxyzptlk's abilities.
Wouldn't she just be able to teleport back to Earth by saying "Adnaw"?
Zatanna does reverse magic and would be easy for her but Wanda has so convoluted past she might need to keep trying different variations of her name backwards. Wanda, Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Frank, Wanda Lehnsherr. etc. True Names are tricky with magic.
"me" has a point. Plus, just try to say Ffomixam or (even worse) Rrehsnhel.
Uh oh. Mr M is playing with fire. Maybe you should have titled this "Mxyzptlk Disassembled"....
I'm always curious about logos for characters that never got their own titles; did you create the Mixie logo yourself or did you find it in your never ending search for Truth, Justice, and Really Cool But Obscure References?
It's from his Who's Who entry
At first I thought "That's perfect because she says her spells backwards." I realised I was thing of Zatanna. I need to brush up on my Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe.
Yeah, but as saying his name backwards returns Mxy to the 5th Dimension, it should be twice as easy for Wanda to make the reverse trip. Especially by drawing on the ambient magical energies of the 5th dimension, itself! Improbable for other 3rd-dimensional mages, perhaps. But, remember; her mutant superpower affects improbabilities in her favor.
hcihW si yhw ehs dluow tsom ylekil kcits htiw Adnaw.
On the other hand, like i said above, Wanda's mutant super-power affects improbabilities in her favor. So, the improbability of being able to teleport back to the Earth, from the 5th Dimension, simply by saying her name backward, should quite literally do the trick.
Failing that, she could always materialize a beautiful balloon.
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