Sunday, March 23, 2025

Hawkgirl and Red Sonja

 I see this issue as 22 pages of nonstop action.  Both of these heroes are warriors that any army would be glad to have on their side.  The question is, who called them in to action?


Anonymous said...

Wow. Another super cover!!

Carycomic said...

Anon416 is correct. As to whom these ladies are fighting for; how about Deimos of Skartaris (as an unforeseen side-effect of Dr. Manhattan restarting the DC multiverse)?

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic & my namesake: wouldn't the War Master of Gallifrey be more fitting?

Anonymous said...

What’s the Neverwar?

Jason Toddman said...

Sounds like something Marvel Comics' GrandMaster (not the MCU version) might do; not necessarily for any morally upright reason but simply as a result of a bet or even simple curiosity.

Carycomic said...

Good point. I, myself, have often wondered why Marvel never had the mainstream Grandmaster match wits against the mutant omnipath called the Gamesmaster? A potential plot way too-long overlooked!

Bob Greenwade said...

Ah, the Neverwar... what a wonderful name for the ongoing struggle between Kang and the Time Trapper!

These two could even bring together a band of the fiercest women in comics, and there are some good ones to choose from!

Davejonz said...

I'm with Bob on this. These two make a terrific pairing as it is and I'd love to see them together again. But I'm totally up for adding some more tough women to the team. Sif for example. Maybe even Vampire?

Anonymous said...

Love the combination of Atkins and Benes makes for a great cover... I think I'm in lust!

Ross said...

Bob, you'll see the Kang/Time trapper War come to a head in an upcoming anniversary issue. As for assembling a team of fierce women, you can expect to see an upcoming storyline dedicated to just that. I work ahead though, so it may be a little while before that one hits the blog.

me said...

I am with Dave on this. I think Dave mean Vampira. Add Grace (DC, Outsiders), an Amazon (DC, take your pick), Winged Victory (Astro City), Valkyrie (Marvel) and Rogue (Marvel).

Ben W said...

Sounds like this one definitely deserves a sequel! Neverwar… I love it! Almost as much as I love a fiery redhead…

Davejonz said...

The demon spellchecker! I typed Vampi - but meant Vampirella.

Anonymous said...

How about Vampirella vs. the Green Lantern from the vampirized Justice League of DC Earth 43? Kyle "Blood" Rayner!

Detective Tobor said...

Ross, the way you work is why we love coming back everyday! Great designs, story making, extras!! Take good care of yourself.

Carycomic said...

I wonder if the Borg vs. the Daleks are part of this war?

Anonymous said...

Instead of a galactically powerful being like the Monitor pull them in, how about a couple of their fellow heroes, like Zatarra and Dr. Strange?

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