Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Green Arrow Vs. Bullseye in: "One Perfect Shot!"

I'm looking forward to Daredevil: Born Again on Disney+.  I haven't seen any sign of Bullseye in the promotional material, so I don't know if he is expected to show up in this upcoming season.  That would be too bad, they spent so much time building up the character on the Netflix series.

Green Arrow and Bullseye first clashed in STF #2505...


me said...

Love Dave Cockrum;s work.. He was schooled in comics the right way working for Murphy Anderson.

Reg Aubry said...

"Green Arrow and Bullseye first flashed in STF #2505..."
Ross, did you mean "clashed"?
Just checking...you can delete this comment if you want.
As I've said before, in my previous life I was a proofreader.
By the way, I read you every day! First thing in the morning. What a delight!
I've been reading comics since the early 60's. Keep up the great work.

Carycomic said...

"Ha! Whos' the greatest marksman now?"

Foxbat would probably reply: "Donald Henderson of the League of Champions." ;-)

Carycomic said...

Just testing to see if Det. Tobor is reading this.

Bob Greenwade said...

According to the show's Wikipedia page (among other sources), Bullseye is indeed expected to make an appearance on Daredevil: Born Again. In fact, there's some rumor that he's supposed to be wearing one of his comics-accurate costumes.

And we can also expect an appearance from Matt's "ketchup and mustard" costume... and I'm still eager to see him wearing that here wile battling the Condiment King.

@Cary: Whether Tobor sees it or not, I did. Good one!

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