Sunday, March 2, 2025

Captain Marvel Jr. and Bucky in: "Bunker Busters!"

 Freddy Freeman previously met Bucky Barnes in STF #2934, and I thought that I would revisit this pairing.  This time out, they have the despicable Red Skull to contend with.


Anonymous said...

How about a Judge Parker and Peter Parker cross-over?

Anonymous said...

You can never have enough Captain Marvel Jr., if only because he has one of the great superhero outfits of all time.

Mickey said...

Good color coordination with Bucky. Love the red/blue.

Ben W said...

@Anon958 Elvis sure seemed to think so!

ShadowWing Tronix said...

Are Freddy and Bucky about to shake down Red Skull for protection money?

Wild Card said...

Given Freddy's origin story and hero history, I can easily seeing him take on Red Skull as one of his villains. Great team-up.

Anonymous said...

Only if they're Skrulls in disguise.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps with Captain Nazi (Golden Age foe of the Shazam Family) as the Red Skull's accomplice.

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