Saturday, March 15, 2025

Batman Beyond and Space Ghost


This is a cartoon special that I would love to see.  These heroes have two simple yet amazing costume designs that are perfect for animation, and it would be glorious to see them together.  The Space Ghost appearance on Batman: The Brave and the Bold is one of the highlights of that series.


me said...

I agree and this could become the Batman / Superman team up of the Ross Universe. MORE!

Anonymous said...

How about Batman Beyond and Phantom 2040.

Anonymous said...

A fitting team-up, indeed. Alex Toth, who basically fathered the original SPACE GHOST series in 1966, also did a lot of artwork for Golden Age GL and Dr. Midnite stories. He might even be the one who first described Space Ghost as Batman in outer space! As for that no-fly zone? Let's see the Neo Gotham Mob try to enforce that when Space Ghose is free-flying surrounded by his personal force-field!

Detective Tobor said...
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Detective Tobor said...

Space Ghost can also travel on inviso-power so landlockers may be in for some real SHOCKS!!

Carycomic said...
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Anonymous said...

I second my namesake @1147's motion.

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