Thursday, June 29, 2023

Space Cabbie and Man-Wolf


These two characters may have never hit the big time, but I always got a kick out of each of them.  It might be fun to watch them share an adventure together. Sure, maybe this issue would have collected dust on the spinner rack, but I'd probably have to pick it up, if just out of curiosity.


Carycomic said...

Very imaginative combo, Ross! It makes me wonder how John Jameson would've done if Man-Wolf had been a headliner for an indie publisher like...Moonstone Comics?


Ken Roskos said...

Picking up or dropping off? I get ya Carycomic! Good thing that gem wasn't an Infinity Stone. This is still a great character. I liked Manwolf's sword and sorcery 2 parter from years ago. It will be interesting to see how Space Cabbie would collect the fare. Now with the J. Jonah Jameson connection, I can picture MW with Commissioner Gordon fighting Ming the Merciless sometime.

Jack_Acid said...
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Jack_Acid said...

Top 5 most ridiculous team ups. Perfect!

Bob Greenwade said...

Personally, I'd be interested in the backstory: how Man-Wolf got into orbit in the first place, and how (or even whether) he's surviving there.

And of course it's these oddball pairings that I love the most, the odder the better (Iron Beetle meets the Flintstones, anyone?).

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: maybe he and Razorback started fighting over Shulkie in Optimus Prime's cab and Shulkie threw both of them out! Razorback's fate being saved for a sequel to this cover.

Carycomic said...

Ahem! For those too young to remember? Anon@1154 is referring to the first (and--thank God!--only) superhero ever born of the CB radio craze of the mid-1970's.

Detective Tobor said...

Even tho both are Marvel, i'd wonder how Man-Wolf would get along with Moon Knight??
Space Cabbie has to have the most expensive insurance policy in history.

simon said...

space cabbie thinking oh God not again with the drugged up saturday night fare’s
Man-wolf wondering why he is one of the only marvel characters who doesn’t have Mr. Fantastic’s unstable molecular costuming,

Anonymous said...

@Tobor Man-Wolf and Moon Knight have really never met in the pages of actual Marvel comics?

Anonymous said...

@ my namesake: nope! Moon Knight debuted as a costumed mercenary working for some group of shady bigwigs, called The Committee, in one of the earliest issues of WEREWOLF BY NIGHT...with Jack Russell in the title role.

Simreeve said...

Is there any time-travel involved in this story? In his original adventures Space Cabbie was from a somewhat later time-period than the usual superheroes, hence his interplanetary (or was it even interstellar?) travels, although admittedly some DC writers & editors later forgot about that detail...

Carycomic said...

@Simreeve: Maybe he's Booster Gold's uber-driver.

Carycomic said...

And, of course, Ivan is now thinking... "And they call ME crazy!"

Alaric said...

John's an astronaut, so there are plenty of ways he could have gotten into orbit.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Alaric: True! I'd forgotten that detail. And those shreds look like they could be the remains of a spacesuit, so it could be that John transformed in space just seconds ago, and the Cabbie just happened to be in the vicinity and so came to the rescue. Hopefully he has the good sense to wait for Man-Wolf to lose consciousness (and hopefully transform back into John) before pulling him into the taxi.

Simreeve said...

Carycomic said...
"@Simreeve: Maybe he's Booster Gold's uber-driver."

Okay, that works as far as I'm concerned.

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