Monday, February 17, 2020

The Angel Joins The Justice League of America

I'm guessing it will be a good while before we see another Justice League movie, be it a continuation or reboot of what has come before.  Interestingly, we'll be seeing two versions of the Justice Society sooner - on the Stargirl series and the Black Adam movie.  How crazy will it be if the JSA is more well established in the DCEU than the JLA?


Tony said...

I’ve always been a big fan of Warren, and when he became cold and ruthless as Archangel- I have to admit a small part of me liked him, but the old Angel was still my favorite. I love this cover, and thanks for taking me back to the Byrne days!

Carycomic said...

As Thor might say: "T'would be passing strange, indeed."

Re: today's cover? I love that you were able to include the (presumably Silver Age) Flash. When I first learned that Barry Allen was protected from hyper-accelerated aging by a quasi-radioactive aura, it made me wonder if one of the Mark II Sentinels might might have ever mistaken him for a mutant?

jlbgriggs2 said...

I remember when Grant Morrison had Superman fight an angel. Quite bonkers! But it is Grant Morrison.

det_Tobor said...

Great to see the real J.L.A. again, especially Ralph. But is there anything Warren could do that Carter couldn't do? For that matter, if the Sentinels are fighting non-mutants will they be able to adapt and survive the League that have already fought Amazo and other android creations?

Bob Greenwade said...

That would be totally crazy, Ross, but at the same time poetic, since the JSA was established in the comics well before the JLA (in the real world, that is; I don't know about current continuity). It does warrant mentioning, though, that Stargirl will be in its own continuity, not connected to the DCEU... and, at the same time, that the JSA has had an Arrowverse appearance (on Legends of Tomorrow) though DC is still making the producers be coy about calling the modern-day team the Justice League.

As to the cover and the discussion about Angel, I think this is my favorite look for him, at least of the ones I've seen. It's a tad cheesy in an 80s/90s sort of way, but it still is individual and recognizable.

Who's that I see in the background, looking like he's about to nosedive onto a Sentinel's head?

On an unrelated note, I just realized something about the Anti-Monitor's fate on the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths: he's left with phenomenal cosmic power, but an itty-bitty living space!

Dr. OTR said...

Is that Wildfire from the L.S.H. (and the far-flung future) soaring over the Sentinel's head?

det_Tobor said...

To answer ur question Ross, How many crisis on Inf Earths can you hold in your hand? WB will keep putting in new actors to do the same role. Soon you'll have about 2 dozen actors that played Batman from radio to live tv to animated tv to movies. Following him will be Superman and the rest of the JLA. If they get a good Batman but he doesn't play well with the others on screen it would serve them right.
Having 6 Sentinels on cover use most have been budget breaking. Try putting them against Mxylptlk for the fun of it.

Carycomic said...

@Bob & Doc: that could be Rocket Red.

Bob Greenwade said...

Oh, goodness... Mr. Mxyzptlk versus a bunch of Sentinels. I can see it now: "Nobody picks on Earth but me!" (or something similar). He's more of a mischief-maker than an actual villain, so seeing him turning around to defend and protect would be a fun twist, and not too out of character. Plus, he's a part of next weekend's Supergirl episode (portrayed by yet another not-short actor).

@Cary: Thanks for that info!

Simreeve said...

Bob Greenwade said...
"Who's that I see in the background, looking like he's about to nosedive onto a Sentinel's head?"

Dr. OTR said...
"Is that Wildfire from the L.S.H. (and the far-flung future) soaring over the Sentinel's head?"

Isn't that just another of several more Sentinels heading into the action?


Carycomic said...
"@Bob & Doc: that could be Rocket Red."

This looks like a pre-Crisis JLA line-up to me, which would be too early for Rocket Red.

Carycomic said...

Unless, of course, he was pulling a "Days of Future Past" (albeit, in the style of Rip Hunter rather than grown-up Kate Pryde).

Carycomic said...

And, yes, I'm referring to the now-classic comic story from the Chris Claremont era. Not the big-budget movie loosely based on it!

Tito-Mosquito said...

Angel fills in for Hawkman as the "big guy with wings".

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