Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hellboy and Daredevil

It's funny, I work so far ahead with these covers that sometimes some of the ideas on them come to pass before I have gotten a chance to post them.  Some of my Marvel/Star Wars mashups don't seem so crazy anymore now that Diseny owns both companies.  I have some upcoming covers featuring characters like Vibe and Amethyst that I created before it was announced that they were being revived and given their own titles.  This story has Hellboy trapped in Hell and indeed Mike Mignola's crimson hero has died in the comics and now his adventures continue in the pages of Hellboy in Hell.  This is a cool chapter in the Hellboy saga, and I look forward to seeing where Mignola takes him next.


Anonymous said...

id like c3po trying to replace robotman in doom patrol also have robocop join justice league international

Anonymous said...

Interesting insight into your creative process Ross. For some reason I always pictured you working on these the night before you post them. Perhaps I am projecting my own tendency to procrastinate.

Ross said...

I am well ahead, which is one of the reasons I went to posting 7 days a week. Today, I am working on issue #672.

Anonymous said...

672? Dang Ross, you're a machine! :)

So... any hints as to what you have planned for big issue #300?


Ross said...

#300 is just a couple of days away, you'll see it soon enough...

Carycomic said...

I predict these two won't work together, again, for at least 12 years.

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