Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Green Arrow and Red Sonja

Green Arrow has been known to be quite the ladies' man, so I wanted to create a cover where that trait might be backfiring against him.  I think any man would reconsider their "love'em and leave 'em" ways after attempting to jilt the she-devil with a sword!  I could have told him that redheads had fiery tempers!  At any rate, the events of this issue will have repercussions, as you will see in part two tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

will pt2 have same team up or will black canary show up? id like thanos meet lady death and dcs death

Ross said...

Only tomorrow will tell...

You'll Definitely see Thanos mixing it up with some interesting guest stars, in upcoming covers.

John Small said...

I like this but it makes me wish for a Red Sonja-Warlord team-up.

Isaac said...

This is nice, but wouldn't DC's other Starfire be a better choice? That said, I can't wait for the next cover.

Smedly said...

Hahahaa!!! Excellent! And I thought The Hulk & Ambush Bug cover was your funniest one ever! Ross keeps pushing that damn envelope!!

Anonymous said...

Methinks this is one time GA was more faithful than BC!

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