I thought I would present one giant story for this Anniversary Issue. I previously featured these two teams meeting in STF #1300, but I wanted to revisit the concept in a bigger way. So, you see the match-ups presented here - who do you think comes out on top when these super-groups clash?
Sunday, March 22, 2020
The Legion of Super-Heroes Vs. The Avengers
I thought I would present one giant story for this Anniversary Issue. I previously featured these two teams meeting in STF #1300, but I wanted to revisit the concept in a bigger way. So, you see the match-ups presented here - who do you think comes out on top when these super-groups clash?
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Superboy & Mon-El? Sorry Avengers.
I love this one. (Followed your link to the previous meet-up and love that one too.) I don't know how you keep doing it. You could easily have chosen to eke this one out over 4 episodes. Still, it's our gain as long as you can keep coming up with the ideas. Thanks a lot!
Scarlett Witch beats the White Witch, because the White Witch needs to prepare her spells in advance. Karate Kid is the greatest martial artist who never lived and easily defeats Black Panther. Not sure what is going on with Brainiac 5 and Vision, but it looks like Brainy has the upper hand. Hercules, Cap, and the Falcon find a way to beat Dawnstar, Blok, and Tyroc. As for the main battle, Hulk beats Superboy in a close one, Lightning Lad's power has no effect on Thor, Mon-El cracks open Stark's armor, and Saturn Girl with Bouncing boy uses telepathy to confuse and defeat Giant Man and the Wasp. That leaves Bouncing Boy, Saturn Girl, and Mon-El vs Hulk and Thor. Saturn Girl uses telepathy to force Hulk to revert to banner and Bouncing Boy knocks him out with a bounce. In a fierce battle, Thor defeats Mon-El but is severely weakened. Saturn Girl uses telepathy to trick him into reverting to Donald Blake, but then succumbs to the stress of over-extending her power. Then Bouncing Boy takes out Blake, Leaving him to be the only hero standing!!!
This cover is just all kinds of awesome. You probably couldn't resist matching Lightning Lad up against the God of Thunder, but Mon-El would be more of a match. As for Iron Man, a quick spot of heat vision applied to the joints of his armor (followed by a blast of cold breath to prevent burning) would immobilize him pretty effectively. Could Kang and the Time Trapper be behind this?
Fantastic! Makes me wonder what in the world could come up for Issue 3000? A Crisis or a Secret War seems too obvious ... But I'm sure you'll surprise us all!
A lot of these depend on who gets the first punch in, but in the end a Superboy-Mon'el tag team can just throw all the Avengers into orbit one at a time. The easiest fight will be Herc cracking Blok apart, Cap using his shield to redirect Tyroc's sonic blast into Dawnstar, while Falcon times his attack run to when Tyroc is inhaling.
Ross to the rescue. Virus blooms, Ross brings enjoyment to the quarantine. Ideas keep coming, boredom never had a chance.
Superboy - Hulk? Too close. Multi powers & mind vs strength. Thor vs Lighting Lad? Too early for Storm to have given Thor training. We don't know how Thor reacts to that kind of intense energy, but I think Thor might be able to take it.
Unless Tony can neutralize the anti-lead serum that he wouldn't know about, Mon-el is not going to need long. Hank might shrink to take Irma unaware. Might not help. Janet's stings on Chuck may not go thru his fabric.
Hercules vs Bloc, Falcon vs Dawnstar, and Cap's shield vs Tyroc. A force field around the Vision that also keeps him unfocused might work. If Black Panther has a suit of Vibranium then Karate Kid is in trouble.count.
White Witch may have a number of spells she keeps ready for unexpected battles.
Now THIS is a hundred pager worth the full
Now THIS is a hundred pager worth the full count.
Outstanding. I'd love a good writer to make some fan fiction on this one.
There are two ways to look at the Legion/Avengers battle: As a whole and as individual opponents as pictured. As a whole, Thor and the Hulk take out Superboy and Mon-El, as the Hulk gets stronger as he gets madder, and Thor is a god. Iron Man easily sort circuits Lightning Lad, the Wasp's bio-stings Saturn Girl into unconsciousness, and do we even have to talk about Giant Man vs. Bouncing Boy?
The one-on-one matches as pictured have pretty much the same outcome. Hulk crushes Superboy, as Superboy has limits as to what he will do while the Huk does not. Thor quickly eliminates Lightning Lad, being careful not to kill him while turning his "lightning" inward and overloading his system. Iron Man and Mon-El is the most interesting match up, but Stark the inventor has likely come up with some lead-based restraint or serum to get the best of Mon. However, even of MOn wins this one, the Hulk and Thor, having defeated their main opponents,team up and take the Daxamite apart. And Giant Man and Wasp vs. Saturn Girl and Bouncing Boy? No contest. Either way, the Avengers win.
AS to the other battles, Falcon and Redwing both hit Dawnstar at once, confusing her and taking her out. Hercules easily subdues Blok, and Cap throat-punches Tyroc and takes him out of the battle.
Brainiac 5 vs the Vision is harder to decide. Brainiac 5 has his force field, but Vision has the ability to control his body's density and can fly. I give it to the Vision.
Although Karate Kid is a master of all known forms of martial arts, the Black Panther is so much more than that, with enhanced strength, speed, and agility, along with advanced technology. It's a good fight, but the Panther wins.
And White Witch vs. Scarlet Witch? If Wanda can keep herself under control and her reality-warping powers focused, she wins easily. If not, "No More Legion."
Avengers win everything because the Legion are embarrassed that their names are mostly Boy, Girl, and Lad. They do take out Hercules, though, because he laughs about it too long and they whack him one. Falcon asks Brainiac 5 why he has a receding hairline and a 70s rockabilly haircut like a bad guy from Mark Trail, and he short-circuits trying to answer. Iron Man asks the girl in pink why her suit shows off her butt dimples and she too short circuits even though she's presumably not a robot. Giant-Man uses Bouncing Boy as a basketball and stuffs him into, uhhhhhhh, the Phantom Zone.
Legion of superheroes, all the way!
My take on these:
-The big-panel fight will have the OG Avengers go down, what with Superboy and Mon-El both being along.
-The White Witch got the Scarlet Witch into the shown situation with the element of surprise, but Wanda will end up on top.
-Cap, Falcon, and Hercules will make quick work of the Tyroc, Dawnstar, and Blok (who go down in that order).
-I don't see a way out of this for Vision. Whatever else goes on, Brainiac 5 can outthink him.
-Karate Kid vs Black Panther is the only one that I'd put up in the air. T'Challa has tech on his side, but KK is enough of a martial-arts super-grandmaster to even up that advantage (and vice versa). I'd call it for KK, but just barely.
I'm with Andyhac on one thing: A good writer could make a great fanfic comic out of this. I'm not that writer, in this case; I'd have a hard time figuring out a good answer to that question on the cover (which which I mean one that isn't hackneyed, clichéd, and/or predictable).
Of course, we find out Kang and the Time Trapper are behind it all.
LSH takes it based on their roster...
COOL 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
Results of fights depend upon not just combatants but circumstances of fight. In Justice League / Avengers cross-over by George Perez and Kurt Busiek this was shown.
I suspect on last scene on cover Brainiac 5 and the Vision are having a discussion on how to handle issue.
JP & Alec: Spoken like true Marvel fanboys. Alec made his point about the Legionnaires' names, but I'd always assumed it was because by the 30th century most if not all of the good super-hero names will be taken. The Mark Trail reference made me smile, though, at least internally.
This looks like a wrap-around cover, but when I turn my phone over, I don't see the other side of Ross's work ...
Remix it. Superboy gets Thor. Difference? = Magic. Hulk gets Mon-el/Valor. good luck. Saturn Girl vs Iron Man. Electronic shields? L.L. & B.B. vs G.M & W. Hank & Janet have had loads of superpowered foes.
Brainy may have the Vision because of future tech.
Tyroc gets the Falcon. training wins. Cap gets Dawnstar. no contest. Bloc vs Blockhead err Hercules. magic muscles make the man-god.
B.P. vs K.K.? The edge goes to Panther's wardrobe and Batman impression.
Clash of the Witches? If Dreamer gave her info, W.W. If not, S.W. & mutant powers.
Remember to clean your viewscreens after every use & try the ballpark franks. They're delicious.
I noticed that Saturn Girl bared flesh, while Cosmic Boy didn't.
He didn't have to cause of his natural magnetic attraction.
re: Cosmic Boy -- no bared flesh cause he's not on the cover. Otherwise, it would depend on which panel he's in. If its the the with SG's bikini costume, CB would be in his femdom outfit.
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!
With regard to the smaller battles depicted? I'd honestly have to say that only Cap, Falc, and Herc stand a chance.
Cap would use his battle skill to bruise Tyroc's vocal cords (similar to how he once broke Banshee's jaw in that now-classic Secret Empire story arc from 1973).
Dawnstar might be initially overconfident in her ability to fly rings around the Falcon.
And Herc would find it child's play to knock Blok's block off.
Both sets of heroes fake pounding one another into unconsciousness--then when Kang and the Time Trapper show up to gloat (in classic villain fashion), the heroes "wake up" and clobber both villains! ^_^
Then, when the villains manage to escape, their sons ask them, "Why didn't you just shoot them?", and get told, "You just don't understand how we do things."
@Kid Charlemagne: maybe Ross could make rectification of that mistake the basis for a cover featuring Rip Hunter and Judge Dredd.
Mon-El versus Thor seems a better match. Mon-El has the same power set as Superboy, plus he was by this point 1000 years old (from his time in the Phantom Zone), so should have accumulated a lot of wisdom and experience. (I've never seen this age issue addressed in the comics. For that matter: how old is Thor? Should be at least 1,500 years, but has that ever been addressed?)
This is awesome! I'd pay money for this one!
Check out Wikipedia so you can see exactly what Tyroc's screams can do. Captain America won't be deflecting anything.
Not deflecting, dude. I said "bruising!" Thereby rendering Tyroc unable to utter _any_ sounds.
There's no Cap for this story.
Chameleon Boy would use his Espionage Squad training to track Cap down for the nick-of-time save of both teams!
Ferro Lad vs Iron Man would be an epic battle. Ferro Lad kills Iron Man but he's left permanently crippled. Perhaps we'll even see his face.
Perhaps Wildfire will get knocked in the Antimatter universe and rediscover his humanity. Become a kinder, gentler, wildfire and without his powers, become a florist. Bronze Age Oliver Queen -> Wildfire -> Wolverine.
Follow-up issue: In the clutches of Kang and the Time Trapper!
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