This is the first time that either has met Frankenstein Jr., but The Vision and red Tornado have crossed paths before in The Lost Issues - They battled The Construct in STF #2054, They investigated "who stole humanity?" back in Issue #1272 , merged programming Issue #971 and first met in an early MS Paint cover in Issue #44
As long as Hanna-Barbera is on the table, The Impossibles versus Marvel's Impossible Man would seem to be a natural! in Sutekh from the 4th Doctor story "Pyramids of Mars"?
As Ray Parker, Jr. might say: "Who you gotta call!"
Pyramids of Mars, good connection Carycomic. It's the AI Trio!Science based heroes facing an evil Egyptian god is a nice twist. Frankenstein Jr. makes a great debut on Super-Team Family!
How about Frankenstein Jr., Gigantor,and (maybe) Iron Giant.
Robo Force or Synthetic Six for the Vision, Franky Jr? Yes! So many good combos! This is like 3 candles for a rebirth-day party!
Vision & Eigth Man...soul brothers?? Half lives: Simon Williams & Special Agent Brady.
Something about the Vision-Tornado team-up really works for me. Their costumes complement each other - plus there's the whole robo-heritage bit. Hope we see them back again soon.
Ross, i think this was a great SET up! Ready, Set? go, Go GO!!!
I agree with Dave with keeping Red Tornado and the Vision in an occasional team-up; they're sort of "robo-bros." (In fact, they might even take on "Robo-Bros" as a cute nickname.)
But if you don't mind playing with Set again... I think you do have a team of flame-based heroes here, don't you? You could have them face the combination of Set with the Gamemaster, with the title "Game, Set, and Match!"
Glad to see Frankenstein Jr. again.
Both have gone thru multiple changes including origin as weapon for villian & body and both have or had spouse-type relationship with a human woman with human-ess coming and going.
Yeah I'd call them brothers.
Now if they would meet Data and his brothers ....
It'd be nice if 1 of these 3 robo-bros teamed up with a robotic female character like Mekanique, Rosie (from the Jetsons) or Richie Rich's Irona.
Very few Richie characters have had their names/logos on here of late. Cadbury, Reggie, Gloria & Dollar the Dog haven't been seen in ages on here nor has Harvey's bigwig Richo himself.
Maybe Gloria Gold can meet Johnny Quest & his team.
Dollar The Dog with Krypto or Rocket Raccoon fighting that Penny based foe from the Golden Age of Batman or maybe even Greenback from the early Super Friends issues.
How about "Blade and I...Vampire" vs. The Son of Dracula (from 1975's Atlas-Seaboard Comics)?
Did that one in 2019:
My mistake: Frankenstein Jr. has appeared here in cover #963. An Iron Giant meetup with Frankie would be cool!
That's probably why he specified them teaming up against a one-shot dhampir anti-hero from a company that was founded by Stan Lee's own brother. A sequel where they're allies rather than misguided antagonists.
My point, exactly!
How about JET JAGUAR from 1973's Godzilla vs. Megalon Vision Frankenstein Jr. & Red Tornado? ✌️🤪 from SPACE RANGER JYM 🚀
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