Monday, February 17, 2025

Katana and The Swordsman

 The  Swordsman was introduced in the Disney+ Hawkeye series, and I hope it isn't the last that we will see of him in the MCU. We saw Katana in the DCEU, but she was very underutilized.  Let's hope the character gets more of a chance to shine down the road in the DCU. 


Anonymous said...

On an unrelated note, how about Bart Simpson & Cricket Green; they’re kind of similar characters.

Anonymous said...

Good grief! The Gun Hands are back!! Well, I guess it just goes to prove: you should never bring a sword to a gunfight.

Matthew said...

I weirdly like sword wielding characters in superhero stories. It doesn't necessarily make sense (guns basically trump swords in the real world) but it is kind of cool. It wouldn't work in a more realiatic genre though.

Ross said...

The FGG (Foreground Gun Guys) always have to learn the hard way.

Bob Greenwade said...

Hopefully the Swordsman will be back for season 2 of Hawkeye... or, given the MCU version's more comical twist, Ms. Marvel.

Jared Mello said...

Nice work today; Ross! And to all the other commenters: Am I alone in thinking that Ross should make "Foreground Gun Guys" and/or "FGG" one of the labels he puts on his posts?

Detective Tobor said...

Now if the swords could magnetize the bullets also.. Swords & Arrows next??

me said...

The Swordsman has his first appearance in this blog. He used to gadget his blade and wondering if he still does it.

Anonymous said...

Great cover. Love Katana… How about the Parasite taking on Amazing Man at some point?

Carycomic said...

Shouldn't DC's Prez have been on this cover, yesterday? Perhaps being defended by Capt. America?

Anonymous said...

I love both of the above-mentioned team up ideas and 2nd them big time.

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