This might have been a fun Golden Age pairing to see. Here's another random villain from those days. It's too bad The Future man didn't stick around - I guess there wasn't much to his future after all!
This might have been a fun Golden Age pairing to see. Here's another random villain from those days. It's too bad The Future man didn't stick around - I guess there wasn't much to his future after all!
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I remember him being mentioned in the Avengers Annual that introduced the one-shot menace called Nuklo. It was drawn by nobody less than Jack "The King" Kirby, himself! And it also served as a reintroduction of the All-Winners Squad (if only in flashback).
You're also right about his being a potentially interesting villain. Allegedly coming from 1,000,000 AD, he could conceivably blow even Kang the Conqueror out of the water! Perhaps that's the real reason Immortus of Limbo erased the whole time/space continuum of Marvel Earth-9904. Not so much to get rid of the Avengers of 1955,
as to eliminate a possible rival!
Last but not least? I love the title!*
*I'm astounded that no one at either DC or Marvel ever coined it before. :-)
That Wonder Woman design looks amazing!! Great idea of using one's enemy's power in reverse against them.But Future Man may have changed his I.D. at anytime to confuse he's enemies as well. O time outs hers!
If you haven't read any of The Whizzer's early adventures YOU'RE IN for a real treat!
He really is NUMBER ONE when it comes to stopping crime!
If this hero doesn't get his own tv show on a STREAMING service millions of fans will be truly PISSED!
I'm done.
Alaric wondering why you've left no comment here. Fishing in the Timestream can give some strange nibbles. Superman's new movie should have had Krypto as a Kryptonian equivalent of a Labrador. Ross how about this golden age Wonder Woman meeting the modern age Captain America Steve?
Maybe Al thought that trying to out-quip Div Cvetic would make him feel like Numero Dos!
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