Saturday, February 15, 2025

Superman and Flash Gordon


I am a big fan of the classic Republic Movie Serials.  How much cooler would they have been if they had existed in a shared universe, as is all the rage today?  Here's an idea of what could have been presented in such a scenario.


Anonymous said...

Unrelated suggestion. King Kong vs. Kang

Anonymous said...

On the island of Bing-Bang-Boom?

Carycomic said...

That would've been awesome, indeed, Ross. The first time I saw one of the old "Flash Gordon" episodes, during the pre-Bicentennial Seventies, Buster Crabbe was wrestling Ming's pet orangopoid (apparently, a gorilla/unicorn hybrid)! I tried to tune it regularly after that. But, between the after-school paper route and other commitments, that proved impossible.

The only problem with this scenario, though, is the almost-unlimited power Gort was described as possessing. If that wasn't glorified bluff, on Klaatu's part, then even Superman might have his hands full. I can just imagine him telling Flash: "This looks like a job for Robo Force!"

Carycomic said...

If you ever do a sequel, how about Man From Atlantis meets Diver Dan?

Anonymous said...

Btw: Happy Canadian Flag Day to all our neighbors to the north!
Long may the Maple Leaf (independently) wave.

Ken Roskos said...

Marvelous Saturday Matinee Madness Ross! My thought is that Flash is clearly outmatched here, physically at least. His challenge would be to find Klaatu, and try to figure out what the heck happened to Gort's programming. Could Ming the Merciless be behind this?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This cover is simply all kinds of awesome. Hopefully one of the heroes can locate Klaatu to set things right!

Bob Greenwade said...

I somehow was logged out for my 11:34 comment.

Detective Tobor said...

Nice to see some of the Commenters back!! Gort under someone else's control? His 'people' may want to study the hacker!..wonder if even Brainiac could take over Gort??
Carycomic seems the only one who has been immune from the techno problems we seem to have every so often.

Davejonz said...

Brilliant - even if it's black and white.

Anonymous said...

Republic Pictures produced B-movies, film serials, and relatively low-budget Westerns, 1935-1969. They were revived two years ago as a Paramount subsidiary.

Anonymous said...

Not entirely. Cloudware is putting me through b.s. over my supposedly "out-of-date" browserware when it comes to browsing @

Carycomic said...

How about Hawkman and the Thing vs. Howard Hawks' "Thing From Another World"?

Carycomic said...

You know; as a sequel to both STF #4547 and STF #163.

Anonymous said...

Gort needs women?I knew he and Klaatu were up to no good when they first arrived!

Anonymous said...

Cover doesn’t say Republic

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does: "Republic Serial Chapter One."
Learn to read the fine print.

Anonymous said...

Well, remember; Gort, spelled backwards, is Trog. And what particular woman did Trog want? Joan Crawford!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was changed after the mistake was pointed out.

Anonymous said...

Nope! It was there from the first day of posting.

Ken Roskos said...

Ah, good insight Anon 7:35 PM. I always saw Gort as the warning sign for nuclear annihilation. So "Trog" symbolizes the barbarism we would get if we can't control our primitive urges. After all this, I was going to suggest that Dr. Zarkov have a meeting of the minds with Klaatu on how to deal with Gort's new Prime Directive. But it might make for some pretty dry esoteric cinema.

Anonymous said...

Sad, but true. :-(

Anonymous said...

Cover of the month!

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