Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Squirrel Girl Vs. Catwoman


I lot of times I will pair characters together on this blog because I feel that they would get along and work well together.  This is a case in which the opposite is true.  I imagine that Selina Kyle would have no patience for a squirrel-themed hero.


me said...

Unbeatable is one of the adjectives like Invincible which are just temptation to be broken.

Interesting combination: Invincible (lots of art of him) and Invincible Squirrel Girl.

Anonymous said...

I have to side with Catwoman on this one. I'm dead certain the only thing Squirrel Girl could do for her is drive her nuts.

Carycomic said...

@Anon7AM: acorn-y pun, indeed.

@Det. Tobor: sorry if I beat you to the pun-ch.

@Ross: I have to admit. This is almost as smile-worthy as the recent team-up between Snoopy and Underdog. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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