Saturday, June 15, 2024

Aquaman and The Falcon


Uh Oh - It looks like the Death Dealer of the Dead Sea is back!  Let's hope that Sam Wilson has his hands on a weapon that can turn back the deadliest menace beneath the waves!


Carycomic said...

Suitably creepy. Bravo!

P.S.---how about OMAC vs. MODOK in "Battle of the Acronyms!"? Or Doc Strong and Doc Samson trying to solve the mystery of how they wound up in each other's bodies in "Paradox!"?

Bob Greenwade said...

Pretty soon the Death Dealer of the Dead Sea is going to need his own tag! (Next time: Kraven and Batman!)

Sonofjack said...

When I first began to seriously get in to DC comics around 1973, Nick Cardy was one of their primary cover artists. For my money he is one of the all-time great comic book cover artists....

Ross said...

Agreed, Sonofjack - he's my favorite DC cover artist. He could single out the best moment in any story an make a great cover out of it. Gil Kane did that for Marvel as well.

Fishing in the Timestream said...

The Flying Fish team is born. Bravo. Now you just need to add A-nett.

Detective Tobor said...

Sam has gotten to the point where this is just another day at the office. He should have no problem working with someone like Arthur. The two of them? This pair will beat a whole lot of rogues.

Namor has worked with the Golden age Hawkman, but not the silver age. The difference? Namor working with not a surface guy, but an alien. Katar would want to see Namor for himself, not just a multi reputation. Would Katar see what Steve Rogers sees in Namor?

Carycomic said...

Probably not initially. Being the reincarnation of an Egyptian king, he's probably got the same periodically haughty attitude as Namor.

Carycomic said...

P.S. @ Fisher in the Timestream: good one!!! :-)

Bobbo said...

Hey Ross, have you ever thought about teaming up The Falcon and Stingray? Just the visuals of the costumes alone would be fun to see.

Ross said...

They are both Marvel characters though, Bobbo.

Carycomic said...

@Bobbo and Ross: how about a compromise? Stingray and Hawkman.

Carycomic said...

Especially if this depiction is done as part one of a 2-parter! Aquaman's been captured by the Death-dealer from the Dead Sea. The Falcon's too badly injured to affect a rescue, himself. So he contacts Hawkman (who still owes him for keeping the JLA from accidentally destroying the Big Apple @ STF #3383) as well as Walt Newell.

If nothing else, we'd get to see which is more powerful. A trident made of Atlantean orichalcum; or a morningstar made of Egyptian/Thanagarian Nth Metal.

Anonymous said...

But hasn't he done team ups from within various companies over the years?

I seem to recall several.

Batman teaming up with Hawkgirl was one (& her oversight on the original Brave & The Bold run was unforgivable).

Ross said...

Not since I started the STF covers.

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