Saturday, June 29, 2024

Elektra and Black Canary in: "Amateur Hour!"


I think these two would work well together.  So much so, that I first featured this pairing way back in STF #47, an early MS Paint effort.  I felt it was high time that they met up again on the blog, especially when I could use the amazing artwork of Alan Davis to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

This cover is flawless. Art styles match perfect. Could be a real cover...

Detective Tobor said...

At least BC was done by a few shows- Smallville as well as Arrow and the animated Batman(?), Brave & Bold, and JL. So hard for many to treat a greater talent properly.
These two are fine but Ms E. and Talia might be interesting too.

Anonymous said...

It might be just coincidence. But, those "brutish oafs" seem to have hairstyles very similar to the silver-masked idiots the Black Widow and Wildcat fought @ STF #3289. Followed by the slightly better-dressed counterparts encountered by BW and BC @ STF #3941!

Could they all be working for Tobias Whale?

Anonymous said...

My bad! That should read "...fought @ STF #3286."

Carycomic said...

In the immortal words of Edgar Jarvis: "I am in awe."

emsley wyatt said...

Kids would buy this one for sure just to see who the mysterious opponent is.

Ben W said...

I'm misread that at first to say "British oafs"! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

@Ben W: As William Fakespeare once said: "What's in a name? A rose, by any other name, still hath thorns that draw blood!"

Not a load of laughs, that Bill.

simon said...

if they were British oafs they would be better dressed !
the Art work is so carefully crafted that it really feels like it’s the real thing…
congratulations !

Hyram h Horsefeathers at your service said...

Just as Aggie is the master of magic you need a female master of martial skills that would critique the dance moves these women are using. Even they would look up to someone. Well crafted even with a couple getting the bum's rush.

Anonymous said...

Another fantastic matchup. Smooth cover.

Anonymous said...

@Simon: then the oafs @ STF #3286 must be British.

@Horsefeathers: would they look up to Lady Shiva?

Anonymous said...

@Simon: so the oafs confronted by Black Canary and the Black Widow @ STF # 3286 must've been British. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@Hyram Horsefeathers: would Black Canary and Elektra look up to a martial artist like Shang-Chi?

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it; would Shang-Chi be able to handle Shang Tsung and Quan-Chi?

Detective Tobor said...

DC Universe has amazing fighters like Lady Shiva and can defeat almost anyone, but still in second place, with Cassandra Cain's Batgirl in the top spot? Has that changed?

Carycomic said...

Well, we know the top martial artist isn't Prometheus. Not unless he cheats by using high-tech plagiarism of Bruce Lee's moves!

Anonymous said...

Akuma, of Street Fighter fame, is supposed to be unbeatable what with his kung fu death grip (or whatever it's called in Japanese).

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