Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Black Lightning Vs. Venom


How do Symbiotes fare against electricity?  Has Venom ever had an encounter with Electro, and found out?  I think this would be an interesting battle to see go down.


Detective Tobor said...

Isn't only sound suppose to be their achilles heel? If so, this is gonna be an interesting meeting. Unless a charge can be used to make a high pitched sound.

Anonymous said...

Yet another great cover! Super cool.

Anonymous said...

Well, we know they can't stand intense heat. So, they probably wouldn't fare well against pyro-electric energy (like the Golden Age Pyroman is composed of).

simon said...

Venom is really popular with school children, and one told me when i showed this that Venom likes electricity it gives him “Tingles “ so a teacher ( Black Lightning ) would have some problems dealing with this.
and now i know which side that the Kids would back…

Bob Greenwade said...

I think one of the animated shows had Klyntar Symbiotes vulnerable to electricity, but for the comics I'll yield to the clearly superior knowledge of Simon's source.

Anonymous said...

How does Fred Flintstone’s refrigerator work?; if dragons are used in fire devices, do Pokémon (or Pokémon-like prehistoric animals) produce cold in refrigerators?

Carycomic said...

@Anon408: maybe they import the ice from a nearby Ice Age.*

*Got that line from an old Ringo Starr movie. ;-D

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