Sunday, June 30, 2024

Justice League of America and The Scarlet Witch


Scarlet Witch previously had a destructive meeting with The JLA along with The Vision as the main story back in STF #800...  Well, if she had a hand in destroying them there, it's only fitting that she find a way to bring them back here.  Let's hope they aren't too worse for the wear!


Davejonz said...

OK, Wanda is bringing back a version of the Justice League. The only question now is...witch version?

Detective Tobor said...

WOW!!Just the cover sends chills on what has happened. To have those costumes staked out for new possessions give a feeling of something massive is going to be fought.
Very, very powerful cover design.

Carycomic said...

I wonder how she'd do against Razorjack (from the woefully, and now permanently, incomplete War Of The Independents)?

Shamus said...

Years ago I remember there was a Doctor Strange and Madame Xanadu team up. I think I suggested it, actually (back during my last comics hyperfixation). But I have a sequel idea now: Clea and Madame Xanadu. Maybe vs Dormammu or Umar or something?

Ben W said...

Isn't that from Tower of Babel? I feel like I remember Ra's Al Ghul in Wanda's place.

Ross said...

Good eye, Ben!

Ben W said...


Bob Greenwade said...

One nice thing about this blog is that stories don't necessarily have to happen in chronological order; there are plenty of delayed sequels, prequels, interquels, and other things, along with enough time-travel shenanigans that Character A's first meeting with Character B isn't necessarily B's first meeting with A. (Not that the last part has anything to do with this cover.) So, this can take place within days of #800, even though the two issues are separated by years.

For a time-travel adventure, how about the Strange Brothers vs. Mordru? They might even be a good pair to face off against Darth Vader.

Anonymous said...

Bob's right. That's why there is still hope for one of DC's two Dr. Lights eventually getting to meet their namesake from Sega's Megaman games!

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