Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Paladin and Nemesis


Neither of these guys ever really hit the big time as far as popularity in the comics goes, but I enjoyed their adventures.  They seem like the types that would cross one another's paths eventually, and it would be cool to see them interact.


Carycomic said...

I can just picture Deadpool and Ambush Bug making cameos to sing:

" 'Have Gun, Will Travel,' reads the card of the man.
A knight without armor in a savage land.
His fast gun-for-hire heeds the calling wind.
A soldier-of-fortune is the man called...Paladin!"

With him and Nemesis doing face-palms in the background.

Anonymous said...

Nice imagery of the Chief Bad Guy! Is that from a Classics Illustrated adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe?

Ross said...

It's from a brave and the Bold cover.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. :-)

Wolfhammer said...

Great cover!

Scott said...

@Ross @Anonymous. I remember that Brave and the Bold cover. I did not get it but I remember flipping through it at the local Piggly Wiggly ( yes I am 52) and this issue was the end of the Nemesis backup stores that had been running. Spoiler - it implied Nemesis died until he returned in Ostrander's Suicide Squad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, too, Scott. :-)

Detective Tobor said...

Ross, my post was deleted again? Happened a few weeks ago. What was wrong with it??

Detective Tobor said...

I said that Nemesis had been picked by Diana to be daddy material for her to add to the Amazon population. That was stated in the books directly. He said no to it.
DC was growing up, or at least, trying to. The writers didn't want to do the things that had been done before with Fury, Diana's daughter.

Ross said...

? Nothing was deleted

Anonymous said...

Paladin needs his own title

Detective Tobor said...

?? I saw the cover and said it was great to see Nemesis again.Last i remember, he was with Diana years ago and found out in a later story that she was thinking of using him to help repopulate the Amazon population. He thought she cared about HIM and when he learned, he broke it off. Haven't seen him since.

It was mid afternoon, after 3:30 pm yesterday. Now it's p o o f!

Carycomic said...

@Tobor: Maybe it was an after-effect of the NJ quake.

Carycomic said...

I mean, in NW CT, that knocked out all three of the TV sports channels that were supposed to show the UConn/Alabama semi-final. Depriving all those who didn't own a live-streaming laptop!

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