Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Red Hulk and Captain Atom


Well, the cat is out of the bag and it has been officially announced that Harrison Ford will be taking over the role of Thunderbolt Ross from the late William Hurt in the upcoming Thunderbolts movie.  There is no confirmation yet that Ross will at some point in the film transform into Red Hulk - but Marvel would be crazy if they did not take full advantage of the ability to have Ford Hulk out!  Suddenly, this movie has gotten a lot more interesting to me.


Unknown said...

Who the heck does Adam think he is, a captain ordering around a general? The nerve of that guy!

Also, there's a LOT of radiation in that area...I'd stay away for awhile...

Carycomic said...

I take it the Red Lanterns from STF #2394 are at it, again?

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing Harrison in "Air Force One." And if he can be that convincing as the President Ford we _should_ have had, in real life, then I've no doubt he can be equally convincing as the villainous Red Hulk. And just as villainous as so-called "normal" human Ross!

Bob Greenwade said...

William would've been very interesting as Red Hulk; I think Harrison will be a little less so, but I do have confidence that he'll successfully make the role of Gen. Ross his own.

@Reg: I was wondering about that, too. "General, please!" would've been much more appropriate than "At ease, Ross!"

@Anon@8:43: Actually, in AF1 Harry played Pres. James Marshall. And I don't see Ross (at least, in the MCU) as villainous so much as overbearing and anti-heroic.

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: I was making a punny allusion to Pres. Gerald Ford.

"That's a joke, son. I say, I say, ya missed it, son. Ya missed it!"

As for Ross? Most people today would see super-patriots like him as the epitome of villainy!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Capt. Atom needs help breaking up that fight, over in Springfield, between Radioactive Man and Dr. Solar @ STF #353?

---Another Ymous.

Anonymous said...

P.S. @ Bob Greenwade & Our Host: I was, of course, referring to Thaddeus (Red Hulk" Ross as a villainous super-patriot.

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@9:36: I didn't miss it; I just didn't realize that it was intentional.

Carycomic said...

@Bob @ Anon936: Those are the best kind! :-)

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