Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Bullseye Vs. Captain Boomerang

I was glad to hear that Captain Boomerang made the cut as one of the few characters from David Ayers' Suicide Squad that will also appear in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad.  I enjoyed Jai Courtney's performance as the Flash villain that we love to hate, but he really wasn't given much to do in the first movie.  I am sure that Gunn decided to keep him around for a  reason, and I look forward to seeing what he has in store for the character.


Detective Tobor said...

The capt has been in the spotlight since he killed Tim Drake's dad in the earlier timeline.(id crisis)

I can go with this too.
mental health said...
How about a fashion parade? In the Blue & Yellow category, we have lined up in no particular order;
Thor (?), Blue Devil, Booster Gold, the blue & yellow Giant-Man, Doctor Fate, Luke Cage, Nova, Wolverine, the Guardian, the original X-Men and the Sentry, for now.

Anonymous said...

The reason probably being...a boomerang is just impossible to throw away! ;-D

Bob Greenwade said...

Nice pairing of pics, Ross. I'm not convinced that Bullseye would have missed CapB's head from that distance, unless of course he meant to for some reason.

The character I enjoyed most from the first film (other than Harley Quinn and Deadshot, obvs) was Killer Croc, and I was disappointed to see that he wasn't returning. Maybe if there's a third film. (I'd like to see that guy show up here again... I was going to suggest that he share one with the Lizard, but that's already happened twice and the possibilities have probably run dry.)

@Anon: If you want to make sure a boomerang doesn't return, just let me be the one who throws it. :( #TrueStory

ELS said...

ITEM: That punchline made me laugh out loud. Wish I'd been able to use it!

ITEM: @Detective Tobor - the original X-men (as was Spider-Man) didn't use blue in their costumes, any more than Clark Kent having blue hair. But black was hard to use back in the day. Of course, a fashion show of blue and yellow vs, say, red and green would be dynamite!

orange horsefeathers lite said...

item for Anonymous 822, it's easy. Flip the boomerang over and throw it from the other end. It'll be too confused to know which way to go.

Anonymous said...

Ok, another possible idea for a cover. What about Amanda Waller collecting a new group of villains for her Suicide Squad. Seeing Bullseye and Captain Boomerang gave me that thought. And the other villains could come from various other comics. Could be a collage of villains. Or however Ross wants to do it. It just sounds fun.
I loved Captain Boomerang from the first volume of Suicide Squad comics best. I was hoping to see someone more like that in the Suicide Squad movie, but didn't know how they could pull that off realistically.

Across Crossovers said...

What?! No 'Captain Boomerang' vs. Boomerang? Why? WHY??! You are bad, Ross! (just kidding!)

The result of the universe of DC cinema is frustrating. Mainly compared to its own animated universe, which usually offers good results (usually!).

'Harley Quinn (and his infinite title!)' It was just a minor version of Jack Sparrow in a Deadpool movie. It was not as good as either. I do not attribute the poor performance to any machism or misogyny, it simply does not have an interesting plot, an active protagonist, in addition to featuring more other characters that transpose them with dignity to the general public. Cartoon villains and scenes that looked like movie B.

'Suicide Squad', like the Harley Quinn film, had a lot of potential, but it was poorly executed (a lot by the studio's intervention). The film was more pretentious than the one presented. He failed miserably to transpose the essence of comics. For those unfamiliar with comic books, the film didn't even allow us to worry about the superficial version of the characters or the threat compromised by the excess of CGI.

The WB relied too much on the charisma of the protagonists towards the audience (Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, Margot Robbin ...) which is concerned that their films have a very good story and that the 'characters' are really interesting.

My fear is that ... if 'Wonder Woman 84' does not give the expected return by the WB - I, in particular, was not excited about the possible plot of the film that circulates on the Internet! -, the studio decides (again!) to "get involved" in the work of James Gunn (in this, I trust!) and ends up cutting off the director's vision in this new attempt.

We can just wait and see.

In the meantime, I'm having fun with the covers of these fantastic encounters, made by Ross. And tormenting him for more desired encounters!

Following today's path, we may also see the 'Boomerang' (former pro baseball player) vs 'Sportsmaster' (need to explain?). lol

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous822: the best way to get rid of a to take away its trust fund.

Bob Greenwade said...

PS: I still would love to see the Men in Black pop up every so often to cause complications for various ET heroes, such as Supergirl, Starfox, et al.

Fishing in the Timestream said...

Since Bob Greenwade said...
PS: I still would love to see the Men in Black pop up every so often to cause complications for various ET heroes, such as Supergirl, Starfox, et al.

I say...Have The Greatest American Hero & The little green guys encounter The Men in Black.

Carycomic said...

Or, better yet: Deadshot (from SUICIDE SQUAD THE MOVIE) meeting Agent J of the MIB! With Deadpool, in between them, quipping...

"And I thought I had it bad when I met Hal Jordan."

Dr Manhattan's dentist said...

oh look who's crashing the party: HANCOCK!!

Anonymous said...

@Doc Manhattan: I thought he got phantomed out. ;-)

Carycomic said...

Nope! He was merely pursuing "happyness."

Brother Kellymatthew said...


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