Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hellboy, Gargoyle and Constantine

For me, John  Constantine has become the best part of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.  The rest of the cast can get a bit too goofy for me, so I like the more serious occult sub plots that he gets into.  I liked his solo series as well, for as long as it lasted.  Now if they could only find a way to bring back The Spectre, who was teased in that show!


det_Tobor said...

I never got into Hellboy or the Gargoyle. John's subplots were usually very good compared to most of the other changing cast. Maybe the PTB felt the others had to counterbalance John's grimness ?

But I have a MAJOR COMPLAINT regarding the Arrowverse's structure.
We have seen the Dominators, the Flash suited spectres* and the Time Masters....NONE of them have gone after Reverse Flash for creating a NEW TIMELINE where he has killed Wells and caused all the damage he did in Central City and the world.
In Flash's first year, Eobard said TO Wells, that Wells particle accelerator would work correctly when he put it on line a few YEARS in the future.

"I'm sorry your ark was destroyed, Noah, but we are going to give you a great new ship to replace it, the Titanic. Now you can continue without any problems."

Anything can happen in this timeline since it has been corrupted before the Flash was born, and seems to change again and again. Ironically, Eobard is the only one from the original timeline. Vandal Savage couldn't do anything compared to Eobard!

* And the "time cop spectres" didn't go after Eobard until much later in the timeline and FAILING.

Anonymous said...

Have Gargoyle team up with Noman from T.H.U.N.D.E.R.

Sgt Snorkel said...

Has The Flash series ever visited the original timeline before Reverse Flash killed Barry's mother?

Carycomic said...

I can't see The Spectre being done for TV unless they can get the same budget that was used for the CGI of Dr. Manhattan in "The Watchmen." And I don't see any TV network--even the CW--being able to afford that kind of money.

Sgt Snorkel said...

The Phantom Stranger would be easy for them to do.

Bob Greenwade said...

That, basically was Flashpoint, which was covered in the first episode of (I think) the fourth season.

Bob Greenwade said...

I have to agree with you, Ross, as far as the goofiness level of this past season of Legends of Tomorrow. I like that they're taking a more comedic approach to the material than in the first season, and the weirdness that the team encounters (turning Nora Dahrk into Gary Green's Fairy Godmother is a fun touch, and a sort of homage to Johnny Thunder), but some of the more "meta" jokes are a bit much for me. I'd be very happy if they were to dial things just a notch or two.

And yes, let's bring the Spectre around for at least one episode. The now-cancelled Swamp Thing even teased a possible crossover with Constantine (and vice versa, early in LoT's most recent season), and doing that on Legends of Tomorrow would be just the thing to give fans some Justice League Dark. (Toss in Deadman and Zatanna for good measure!)

Bob Greenwade said...

The Phantom Stranger was seen, I understand, on a recent episode of Swamp Thing.

emsley wyatt said...

I was unfamiliar with Constantine till he started showing up on LOT. Liked the character so much I hunted down his how.

Jay Johnson said...

Am I a bad person because I totally preferred Routh playing evil Neron better than goofy Ray this year?

Sgt Snorkel said...

I saw still photos and that looks nothing like Phantom Stranger. They cast a fat man with a beard and the costume looks like something leftover from an episode of Little House on the Prairie.

DC50 said...

If Flash can do King Shark & Gorilla Grodd episodes, they should be able to do a Spectre episode as well. With the Crisis looming, it would be the perfect time for his appearance.

Scott said...

I was hoping we would see Constantine in the new Swamp Thing series but that is not happening. I would hope Gargoyle shows up in the Hellstorm series but I won't get my hopes up. Gargoyle was one of those I felt his protentional was not really hit because outside of his mini-series and the Defenders he was not seen much. Cameoed in Hellstorm but nothing else.

Carycomic said...

I would love to see Constantine vs. Bernie Casey's immortal Gargoyle King. Maybe for next Halloween!

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