Friday, May 10, 2019

Luke Skywalker and Optimus Prime

I had many issues with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but the biggest one was the treatment of Luke Skywalker. I had waited decades to see him back in action, and a brief hologram battle followed by his unceremonious death was underwhelming to say the least.  I know that he will be a part of the next installment in some way, so maybe JJ Abrams will find a way to redeem him - With a name like Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, I hope so!


AirDave said...

I may or may not have lost interest in Star Wars after The Last Jedi. I've found this latest trilogy to be almost equal to the prequel trilogy. I'm not rabid in my dislike. Just disappointed. I like the new, young characters; but it seems somewhat disjointed toward the older characters. I was puzzled after what happened to Han in The Force Awakens that Chewie walked right past Leia - they never shared a moment over it on screen...

TJS said...

He _was_ redeemed in The Last Jedi, but you seem to have missed it.

Anonymous said...

Unpopular opinion ahead!

Personally, TLJ's handling of Luke's death was one of my favourite scenes in the movie. It really showed Luke embodying the true spirit of the Jedi and accepting his role as the bringer of hope to the galaxy after spending the entire film feeling like he'd failed to live up to everyone's expectation of him. By not giving Kylo the satisfaction of landing the killing blow, he finally brought hope back to the Resistance and the galaxy that they would not let the First Order win. Rather than die a violent death, he passes peacefully into the Force just like his mentor Obi-Wan, his journey as a Jedi finally complete. I feel that giving him a flashy fight sequence where he dies by Kylo's blade would just be a rather undignified death for the greatest hero in the entire franchise. But to each his own, I guess...

@ this cover? Surprised you hadn't done it sooner, especially considering the short-lived Star Wars Transformers toy line which involved (amongst others) Transformer versions of the Millenium Falcon and the Death Star!

- RC

Ross said...

You make good points - But why even kill him off at all? The could have at least waited for the final installment if he absolutely had to die.

Bob Greenwade said...

Cybertron needs a visit from (the original) Robo-Force.

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous: Bravo, sir! You took the words right out of my mouth. :-)

@Ross: Christian symbolism, perhaps. You know; Easter season and all that jazz?

Anonymous said...

With the debuting Pikachu movie, here's an idea: Gazoo and a parallel Bedrock with pokemon replacing dinosaurs, birds, etc. and with the likes of shellder refrigerators, growlithe stoves, aerodactyls as pets, etc. XD

ShadowWing Tronix said...

There actually was a line of Star Wars Transformers, but they were treated more like mecha than actual Transformers. I gave the ones I bought characters and personalities and figured living robots had the potentials to be Jedi or Sith. Sadly it was never made into fiction.

I thought the Luke illusion trick was funny at first but when I thought about it I'm not sure the Force works that way. Johnson seemed to be wanting to end things at a duology rather than a trilogy but I agree that Luke dying and not getting to fight (plus going crazy and not restoring the Jedi like he did in the old Expanded Universe) bothered me too.

Anonymous said...

Cover of the month!

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