Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Phantom Vs. Aliens

H.R. Giger's  Alien is rightfully one of the all time classic monster designs,  There are so many great elements to it, from the spiked tail, to the way it can curl up and hide in the ceiling, to the double set of teeth.  What really put it over the top for me, though was what he didn't include.  The lack of any discernible eyes was a very interesting choice, and really freaked me out.  It just adds another element of fear when you don't know where the creature is looking.


AirDave said...

The creature is always looking down deep into your soul...

This is quite an interesting "team-up"!

Matthew Baugh said...

This would be a really rough encounter for the Ghost-Who-Walks. I think he would ultimately triumph, but he's mostly faced pirates, poachers, and various criminals.

It could be a very fun story.

Anonymous said...

I love both characters, but kinda feel blank after you only hyping the alien for the story

Anonymous said...

I can see this being a Depression-era adventure, wherein he's protecting an archeological expedition from Seng Brotherhood pirates. And, in the midst of everything else, the scientists find an artificial chamber full of eggs.

Jeff Nettleton said...

This so needs to happen. It'd give the Phantom a chance to cut loose.

jds said...

Pls provide its link! TIA.

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