Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wildcat Vs. Sabretooth


It might be interesting to these two cat-themed brawlers go one on one.  Ted Grant has the fighting discipline and decades of experience, but will that be enough to overcome berserker rage and a healing factor? 


Carycomic said...

Reluctantly, I'd have to answer that... "no." Not unless Felicia "the Black Cat" Hardy shares some of her "improbability magnetism" with him!

On the other hand...two depictions of Sabretooth "Granted" us within five weeks? I don't know about my fellow readers. But, I feel honored!

Detective Tobor said...

Unless Ted puts him in a hole in the ground like quicksand or such where he can't use his strength to free himself. No leverage to use. Immortally Tombed!! Nice 'ring' to it don't you think!!

Anonymous said...

What a great cover and a fantastic match-up. Nice work.

Bob Greenwade said...

The healing factor would be a problem, but Ted's clever enough to use ST's rage against him. Tricking him into the top of an elevator shaft or something would be a challenge, but doable.

Wolfhammer said...

Great cover! My money is on Wildcat.

Anonymous said...

This would be one of those classic comic fights where on paper the hero would lose. But through grit, determination, and taking advantage of any lucky opportunities, the hero would squeak by. I always loved those type of fights because it made the villains seem really villainous and tough.

Ditko was a master of those kind of plots and fight sequences. Not many subsequent writers/artists were as good with these kind of set ups, though Roger Stern was close.


Anonymous said...

Rex "Hour Man" Tyler might offer Wildcat one of his Miraclo pills for the show-down. But, I suspect that Ted--being a true old-fashioned sportsman--wouldn't accept the offer. He would consider that cheating (like, say, amping up on steroids to "win" the Tour de France bicycle race more than twice in a row).

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