Saturday, June 22, 2024

Thundra and Chaselon

 Everyone on this cover would probably be considered a C-Lister at best.  That would not have stopped me from wanting to pick up an issue like this.  Heck, it would have even been a selling point - I always enjoyed seeing lesser known characters get their moment in the spotlight.


Davejonz said...

Right with on the selling point notion, Ross. I'd pick it up too...
But I'm bettting this is just the beginning for this pairing? Somewhere down the line you are going to surprise us with yet another team, born here...the C-Listers...!
So I hereby nominate for membership the Black Hood (I remember him from the Fly comics)

Shamus said...

I don't want to seem obnoxious with all my suggestions sometimes, but that's usually what I'm best at. I have dozens upon dozens of ideas for things, just no ability to take it past the concept stage. But anyways, I'll just share a whole list of ideas i've had:

- Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Nighthawk: Ted Kord and Kyle Richmond feel like they'd have great chemistry for a team up story. I see them working great together.

- Silver Surfer and Martian Manhunter: Two Aliens who lost people they loved (silver surfer lost his Homeworld and his lover Shalla-Bal, while Martian Manhunter lost his wife back on Mars). I feel these two can bond over tragedy.

- Isis and Wonder Woman: I recently learned on complete accident that there was apparently a superhero tv show about Isis. Considering it came out around the same time as the Wonder Woman tv show, I think a crossover sounds plausible.

I can probably think of more, but these were the first three that came to me.

Anonymous said...

As this villain would appear to be the Elder of the Marvel Universe known as The Collector, I can understand why he might want to add a pair of C-listers to his c-ollection.

Insert rimshot here.

Seriously, though: have there ever been any occasions where other fans of this website have requested team-ups of what you might consider D-listers? And you've managed to evade such a labor of un-love by directing them to a super-group shot? With the requested D-listers practically buried in the background?

Carycomic said...

That living diamond is about to become Thundra's best friend.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Chaselon be getting rescued by the rest of the T-Men (or whatever you called that group of mohawk-haired heroes)?

Jared Mello said...

@Anon909: It was "Task Force T".

@Ross: Another brilliant idea here.

Anonymous said...

@Jared Mello: you're right. Thank you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like it’s from an old Spidey’s Super Stories

Anonymous said...

The Isis TV show was a spinoff of Shazam. DC published a comic based on the TV show for a short time. It crossed over with Shazam a couple of times, but never with Wonder Woman.

Glenn said...

Only second appearance of Thundra on this blog. Last place I remember seeing her is in JLA Avengers #1, A Journey into Mystery which had many C and D list characters in it but hers and Arkkon was a significant one.

Would love to see a @Ross version of one of Perez's covers from many different universes.

Detective Tobor said...

Chaselon has had some interesting history. Sometimes, it's not the characters or the situation that gets my attention, but a character's history. There can be a difference.
Thundra might react to the Collector as if Chaselon wasn't there. Chaselon might hold back to learn more about them, i hope.
Everything doesn't have to be world threatening, just someone might lose something important. Doesn't always have to be a hero either.

Detective Tobor said...

Can we get a Bizarro version of Chaselon?

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