Friday, June 14, 2024

Sleepwalker Vs. Batman's Villains


The villains in Batman's rogues gallery have made for some true nightmare scenarios and visually stunning dream sequences.  It might be fun to put a hero in there that could face off with them in the dreamworld.


Carycomic said...

Back in the Sixties, we Baby-boomers would've called this "psychedelic" (in a good way)! Such being the case, I have to inquire; is that Grodd to Clayface's right? Or George "the Gorilla Boss" Dyke?

Ross said...

That's Killer Croc

Carycomic said...

Thanks! :-)

Anonymous said...

It took three years and two months. But, we finally have a fitting sequel to STF #3282!

Anonymous said...

P.S.---how about Shamrock and Black Canary vs. Silver Banshee?

Detective Tobor said...

If all the world is a stage, what does that make The Dreamscape...the wings? Poor Bruce.

Bob Greenwade said...

This is a fantastic premise, and well executed. Even the lighting works in such a way that it's hard to tell that it wasn't drawn that way from the start -- and I could see this being a story actually done in a Big Two crossover. Even the title is spot-on.

That said, I'd like to see more of Sleepwalker with Wesley Dodds.

HYRAM Horace HORSEFEATHERS napping said...

If Batman is dreaming of the bad guys shouldn't that include the heroes going rogue as well? That's been a big fear of his over the years and with what Zatanna did to him he would still have concerns. Atmosphere is awesome.

Carycomic said...

@Horsefeathers: a justifiable concern given the mind-control exerted on the JLA, as a whole, by Agamemno and the Antithesis back in the Early Silver Age.

simon said...

Excellent, really like this one !

Anonymous said...

Any chance of someday seeing Dan Brereton's Nocturnals take on the Ultraverse's Lord Pumpkin?

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