Saturday, February 24, 2024

Elongated Man and The Falcon


Stilt-Man was always a goofy villain, but he did make for some really fun visuals.  It was interesting to see the artistic choices used to depict his action, with some extreme bird-eye and worm's eye views.  He and Elongated man tangled once before on the blog in STF #3897...


Detective Tobor said...

Great to see Ralph is still working, despite the CW. Shouldn't be too hard. Falcon distracts Mr Stilts and Ralph puts a welcome mat down there not expected and a cover the head to keep him unbalanced. Maybe some c40 on one leg to prevent him from running off. Or a nova flare to weld the legs together. Possibilities.

Anonymous said...

Moon Knight's still MIA, huh? This is turning out to be a longer-term mystery than the hunt for Zatanna's father!

Carycomic said...

@Anon752: Maybe he got Phantom Zoned. If so, that might make for an interesting team-up between the Danvers Sisters and Kamala Khan. Or maybe he fell under the spell of Cleopatra VIII (nee Lilibet Windsor) from SUPERMAN FAMILY v. 1/#171!

Carycomic said...

P.S. @ Ross---how about Dick Tracy and Tintin? Those two haven't teamed up since STF #218!

Bob Greenwade said...

If Spider-Man had been there instead of the Falcon, he could've said, "Do you want the complete list, or just the highlights?"

About the missing Moon Knight, Ralph should get some help from another decent detective. The obvious choices are Batman and Detective Chimp, but they're fellow DC characters; perhaps Daredevil or Jessica Jones. Maybe even Boba Fett... or Karate Kat.

PS: I'm excited to see Christopher Lloyd at Emerald City Comic Con next weekend. It'd be extra sweet if there was something like "Roger Rabbit and Uncle Fester Go Back to the Future," or some other contrivance for putting multiple characters of his on one cover (whether photo or conventional).

Carycomic said...

What about Tintin and Elongated Man working together to find MK?

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: And if Indiana Jones had been there, he would've asked Ralph: "Why do have to keep moving like a snake?!"

Jack_Acid said...

Stilt-Man saying he never fails is hilarious. He's the poster child of the Marvel Universe failson.
I'd love to see a Stilt-Man/Kite-Man team-up for double the failing

Anonymous said...

You never know, Jack. That combo might turn out to be as surprisingly successful, at their criminal endeavors, as the trio of Batroc, Machete, and Zaran.

Colin said...

From a more recent comic: "Nobody lies and say they WERE Stilt-Man."

Bob Greenwade said...

Seconding Stilt-Man and Kite-Man... though I'd still love to see Daredevil in his "ketchup and mustard" costume fighting the Condiment King.

Anonymous said...

@Bob: how about Spider-Ham vs the Condiment King?

Tentative title: "What sauce goes best with boar's head?"

Bobbo said...

How about a grouping of Phantom heroes, Phantom Rider, The Phantom (Kit Walker), Phantom Girl and Phantom Eagle trying to escape the Phantom Zone?

Anonymous said...

@Bobbo: a rather transparent theme, wouldn't you say? ;-)

Anonymous said...

If Elongated Man & the Stilt-Man have tangled before than why does Ralph mention "There's always a first time" in this cover?

Stilt-Man should team-up with DC's Goldface for this year's Xmas cover. You can use "Silver & Gold" for the theme. Marvel's Ironclad, Harvey's Gloria Gold, Marvel's Silvermane & even Gold from the Metal Men could be thrown into the mix.

Carycomic said...

Or, failing that, Gold Key's Tiger Girl meets Harvey's Tiger Boy.

Anonymous said...

Will Plastic Man or Rubberduck be allowed to join the Expansion Team?

Carycomic said...

Too much of a stretch.

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