Turtles may have a reputation for being slow, but I would say that all that are pictured here buck that trend. Between the super speed, martial arts action and a kaiju menace, there would be more than enough fast paced excitement in this issue.
Turtles may have a reputation for being slow, but I would say that all that are pictured here buck that trend. Between the super speed, martial arts action and a kaiju menace, there would be more than enough fast paced excitement in this issue.
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Gamera is really neat!
He is filled with turtle meat.
We all love you, GAMERA!!!
Don't forget Fastmack's uncle, the Terrific Whatzit. DC also has The Crash and Tur-Tel the Super Turtle. DC sure loves fast turtles
This is a great cover. I've been wanting a TMNT/Zoo Crew team-up for ages
How about a Ninja Turtle team-up with Hong Kong Phooey or Samurai Jack?
I've always wanted a TMNT team-up with Mickey Mouse from 'Kingdom Hearts." But, since you have them going up against my favorite non-Toho kaiju, this is perfect consolation!
And, given that you're employing Fastback, I have to wonder if they're defending Turtle City on the planet Mobius in the absence of Sonic the Hedgehog.
@Carycomic: maybe this occurred during Sonic's race against Speedy Gonzalez back in STF #3774.
I’d like to see The Zoo Crew and Kamandi! Also Pokemon and the Flintstones (as core appliance parts, like dragons)!
OOOOHHHHH! Gamera, friend to all children, but maybe not to other turtles!
I was shell shocked when i saw the cover. Chock full of keratin. Well, it's still worth the greenbacks for this subscription..
Anon@11:23 -- The Zoo Crew and Kamandi... that's brilliant!
When I first saw Gamera on the old "Creature Features" show (Saturday nights, 8:30-10PM, NYC Channel 5/WNEW), I initially thought it was going to be about some mad scientist's gamma-ray firing camera! Like something Simon Bar Sinister might use against Underdog, for example.
But, after the Arctic thaw-out scene (with some of the Japanese actors doubling as "superstitious Inuits"), I was never so glad to be proven wrong. Gamera was the best--and initially scariest--Godzilla rival I had ever seen.
@Bob Buethe: counter-balanced by their having to take on the Superior Man-Spider (Dr. Otto Pussycat O'Nine-Tails in the body of Webster Weaver)?
Help me Mr. Wizard!
hello Ross...
how about turtle Fastback meeting Jack Kirby young god from Supertown Fastback...
and minor Marvel villainous Fastback from single Captain America appearance for an all Fastback issue???
by the way Ross where did the ninja turtles come from art-wise????
can't place them....
all said another excellent cover....
jack-el: From the cover of TMNT Adventures Special #1 1992
The "Fastback" who fought Jack "Nomad" Monroe in the pages of Capt. America was sort of a minor-league Elektra. And the name of the New God you refer to was spelled "Fastbak".
@Anon838: potato/tomato.
@CaryComics: or sugar (shurger)/sugar (shoogar).
@ my namesake: Aw, honey, honey. ;-)
I'm playing catch-up after a busy end-of-week here, and I like the cover, but I'm a little surprised that nobody's praised the (apparent) story title. Even if it isn't the actual title, "Fights! Gamera! Action!" is a delightful word play that fits the heroes just right.
I did comment on the title...via my Feb. 16 reminiscence about the first time I saw the movie on TV.
The TMNT should team up with Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, the Zoo Crew or even The Shirt Tales from the 80s toon next.
@Anon328: if the TMNT went up against the Condiment King and Ursa (from SUPERMAN II starring Christopher Reeve), methinks that couple would be dining on ninja turtle soup.
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