Friday, December 10, 2010

The Thing and Deathstroke, The Terminator

Deathstroke is one of the cooler villains in the DCU. I really loved his original appearances in New Teen Titans especially the whole Judas Contract saga. I must say that I wasn't crazy about him becoming somewhat of an anti-hero in his own title though. That's a trend that never seems to work with me in comics, whether its with Deathstroke, Magneto, Venom and so forth. Sometimes a villain's reformation can be handled well, but it never rings true with the really despicable types. Fortunately, Deathstroke seems to have returned to his throughly villainous roots, and that's just how I prefer him.


Cathy and Dave said...

Here comes another fine mess! Excellent cover!

Slade Wilson is a pretty cool character!

Liked Perez's Trinity - Taskmaster, Deathstroke and Vigilante!

Nice timing! With Wilson making his appearance this season on Smallville!

Anonymous said...

Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator he is the armed hitman and warrior from the post-apocalyptic future.

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