Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Firehawk and Ben Reilly

When Shagg Matthews suggested this pairing recently, I had to give it a shot.  Not only is Shagg the man behind the always entertaining Firestorm Fan blog - an indispensable site for fans of old flame head and comics in general - and one half of the Fire &Water Podcast,  he is a Patron of STF: The Lost Issues - so how could I refuse? (You can become a Patron as well by visiting here) On top of all that it's just a cool idea!  Ben Reilly developed his own fan following despite being born out of one of the most controversial storylines ever, he even won me over eventually.  Lorraine Reilly never graduated past supporting character status, but I remember liking her appearances in Fury of Firestorm. Maybe we'll see a live action version one day if Legends of Tomorrow is a hit?


The Irredeemable Shag said...

Ross - This fantastic! Better than I imagined! And to give credit where it's due, this was an idea from Nate Winchester. I just passed it along.

Love it!!! Thanks!

Ross said...

Thanks to Nate too!

Anonymous said...

"What does that make me?

Off-hand, Lorraine, I'd say it makes you the granddaughter of Rod "Firebrand" Reilly and the grandniece of his sister Danette!*

*Hey! Anything's possible on Earth-STF. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Or, so Ross claims. ;-D

---Anonymous (no relation)

Nate Winchester said...

Yay! I love this so much.

Can I like... buy a print of it from you as a way of saying thanks? :D

Ross said...

Glad you like it, Nate! Thanks for the cool suggestion! Unfortunately due to the nature of the blog I cannot sell items with images of the covers. But folks can still show their support by using the Pay Pal "Donate" button on this page or becoming a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/STFtheLostIssues?ty=h

Support STF: The Lost Issues!