Friday, December 17, 2021

Flash Gordon and Batgirl


Regular visitors to this blog will know that Flash is of course referring to events covered in STF #2535... Looks like Jim Gordon is needed back home!

I am happy to feature the gorgeous artwork of Gray Morrow here.  I was lucky enough to pick up a page by him several years back - and interested to find out (for this project anyway) that he worked on standard 8 1/2 x 11 size paper:


Detective Tobor said...

Never bring a bazooka to an arrow fight!

Al on a space opera JLA would have been spectacular.

Carycomic said...

Looks like Ming led a successful counter-revolution. Makes me wonder if he had Azura the Witch Queen brainwash Jim Gordon!

P.S.---I've never heard of Gray Morrow before this. But, there's no denying the brilliance of his action scenes.

Davejonz said...

VERY cool! Let's see more of the Gordon family!

Bob Greenwade said...

This is an interesting pairing that one would not expect, and that would require a story like this one to bring together -- which it does very nicely. Well done, Ross! The art style on Batgirl may not quite fit with the rest, but so what? It looks like what an actual cover with this story might look.

But Flash's costume? Ouch. Let's put him on that team with Sabine Wren, the Sixth Doctor, and Captain Ultra.

@Tobor: It's like what some guys in track suits are about to learn next Wednesday: superior firepower doesn't mean a thing when the other guy outstrips your skill levels by a couple of orders of magnitude.

Bob Greenwade said...

For some reason, this idea just popped into my head:

Mars Attacks Gilligan's Island!

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: lol! I once read a fanfic where the Seaview (from Irwin Allen's "Voyage to The Bottom of the Sea") nuked Gilligan's Island!! But, only after rescuing the cast-aways, first. Something about destroying a piece of meteorite with Cosmic Cube-type properties.

Carycomic said...

I remember reading somewhere that CBS turned down the original version of STAR TREK in favor of the original LOST IN SPACE!

"Oh, the pain! The pain."

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: Unless, of course, it's a vibranium arrow. If so, then the L.A.W. will get shafted!

H. Horace Horsefeathers and counting said...

Yeah. Queen is just a Batman with arrows. How important is a non super in the super hero world? Riiighht.

Bob Greenwade said...

HHH: Queen originally was just Batman with arrows. Around the 70s DC started transforming him into a distinct character with his own style.

BigMike20X6 said...

Flash Gordon and Hal Jordan recruited by Power Rangers mentor Zordon :P

Anonymous said...

Only to get out-foxed by Divatox (rowr-rowr)!

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